Forum Discussion

  • Hi


    Ensure you Backupexec is BE 2010 r3 sp2 with one hotfix after that & also ensure remote agent on exchange server matches with remote agent version on Media server

    Also if you are trying to restore from tape try duplicating data to disk first & then again try doing restore & let me know, Also have this worked ever before?

    Also if you can update the exchange version will be great.



  • You can duplicate to disk as per the article below:

  • Are you restoring contacts that are in the default contacts folder - or has the end user created separate customized contacts folders to manage their contacts?

  • I am restoreing from disk, never do it from tape.  Takes to long ;). Thanks anyway for your reply.

  • Hi First of all thanks for the reply. The versions are matching and service pack 2 is installed (was working before ;) ).Can you tell me the hotfix number, as liveupdate is not working... Have some issue to solve.

  • I am not redirecting my restore, if that's what you mean. Thanks for your reply

  • No Exchange 2010 has an ability for a user to manage contacts is into separate folders/containers and we are currently investigating a restore issue where end users have done this (even when restroing to original locations)  Hence the reason for my question

  • Ok I created a new user because the 5 first letters where assigned tu multiple users.

    Now I receive the following error:

    V-79-57344-905 - The resource credentials for the restore job were unable to create a role assignment for ApplicationImpersonation. Review the credentials to ensure that it has the rights that are required for ApplicationImpersonation. 

    I found following information:

    Powershell is well configured "Deselect "Require SSL

    Step 1 : Permissions and Roles required for backing up Exchange 2010.

     1- Make sure that the BESA(Backup Exec System Account) or the account used for Backup and Restore of Exchange 2010 has below permissions :

    • Should be a member of Built in Administrators Group in Active Directory => YES.
    • Should be a member of Domain Admins in Active Directory. => YES
    • Should be a member of Backup Operators in Active Directory. => YES
    • Should be a member of Organization Management in RBAC(Role Based Access Control).
    • Should be a member of Symantec EWS Impersonation Role in Exchange(For more details refer to Step 2). => YES

    2- Make sure BESA(Backup Exec System Account) or the account used for Backup and Restore of Exchange 2010 has a unique and active mailbox associated with it.

    3- Make sure that EWS(Exchange Web Service) is functioning properly. => YES

    4- Restart all the Backup Exec Services on the Media Server(Tools | Backup Exec Services | Restart all services). => Done

    5- Restart the Backup Exec Remote Agent Service on the Exchange Server. => Done


    Verify the following Backup Exec Service Account (BESA) Backup Exec Default Account credentials:

    1. Use a logon account in Backup Exec that is a unique account in Active Directory with an activated mailbox on the Exchange server. => Done
    2. A unique name is one that does not exist in the organization as a subset of characters in another mailbox name. => DOne
    3. Ensure that the BESA is added to Adminstrators, Domain Admin, and Exchange Organization Admin groups on both Media server and Exchange server (s).
    4. The BESA should be assigned the Exchange Full Administators / Organization Management role in the Exchange System Manager and in the Exchange Management Console. =>Done
    5. Verify that the mailbox for BESA is not hidden in the Global Address List (GAL).
      1. Logon to the Exchange server with the BESA:
      2. Obtain additional group membership information by running the following command on the Exchange server:
        1. Open a CMD promp and enter the following: gpresult /z > c:\gpresult.txt
          The user is member of:The user is a part of the following security groups
                  Domain Admins
                  NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users
                  This Organization
                  SMSMSE Viewers
                  SMSMSE Admins
                  Exchange Organization Administrators
                  Enterprise Admins
                  Schema Admins
                  Exchange Public Folder Administrators
                  Recipient Management
                  Exchange View-Only Administrators
                  Organization Management
                  Exchange Recipient Administrators
                  View-Only Organization Management
                  Public Folder Management
                  Denied RODC Password Replication Group
                  High Mandatory Level
    6. Make sure the BESA and the System Logon account in Backup Exec are the same. => NOK,It worked before, so i don't see a reason why it should be
    7. Give the new user the relevant rights and also activate the mailbox by sending and receiving mail.
    8. Restart all BE services on te media server and the remote server.
    9. Re-try the backup/restore.

     Somebody info?

  • Application Impersonation errors during Exchange restore should be fixed by Hotfix 180429

  • Hi man,

    Im facing same problem but using Netbackup. How did you fix it?
    • Marianne's avatar
      Level 6


      You really need to post NetBackup issues in the NetBackup forum where you give detailed info of all relevant versions. 

      This particular 2012 issue was fixed by a BE hotfix.