Ok I created a new user because the 5 first letters where assigned tu multiple users.
Now I receive the following error:
V-79-57344-905 - The resource credentials for the restore job were unable to create a role assignment for ApplicationImpersonation. Review the credentials to ensure that it has the rights that are required for ApplicationImpersonation.
I found following information:
Powershell is well configured "Deselect "Require SSL
Step 1 : Permissions and Roles required for backing up Exchange 2010.
1- Make sure that the BESA(Backup Exec System Account) or the account used for Backup and Restore of Exchange 2010 has below permissions :
- Should be a member of Built in Administrators Group in Active Directory => YES.
- Should be a member of Domain Admins in Active Directory. => YES
- Should be a member of Backup Operators in Active Directory. => YES
- Should be a member of Organization Management in RBAC(Role Based Access Control).
- Should be a member of Symantec EWS Impersonation Role in Exchange(For more details refer to Step 2). => YES
2- Make sure BESA(Backup Exec System Account) or the account used for Backup and Restore of Exchange 2010 has a unique and active mailbox associated with it.
3- Make sure that EWS(Exchange Web Service) is functioning properly. => YES
4- Restart all the Backup Exec Services on the Media Server(Tools | Backup Exec Services | Restart all services). => Done
5- Restart the Backup Exec Remote Agent Service on the Exchange Server. => Done
Verify the following Backup Exec Service Account (BESA) Backup Exec Default Account credentials:
- Use a logon account in Backup Exec that is a unique account in Active Directory with an activated mailbox on the Exchange server. => Done
- A unique name is one that does not exist in the organization as a subset of characters in another mailbox name. => DOne
- Ensure that the BESA is added to Adminstrators, Domain Admin, and Exchange Organization Admin groups on both Media server and Exchange server (s).
- The BESA should be assigned the Exchange Full Administators / Organization Management role in the Exchange System Manager and in the Exchange Management Console. =>Done
- Verify that the mailbox for BESA is not hidden in the Global Address List (GAL).
- Logon to the Exchange server with the BESA:
- Obtain additional group membership information by running the following command on the Exchange server:
- Open a CMD promp and enter the following: gpresult /z > c:\gpresult.txt
The user is member of:The user is a part of the following security groups
Domain Admins
NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users
This Organization
SMSMSE Viewers
Exchange Organization Administrators
Enterprise Admins
Schema Admins
Exchange Public Folder Administrators
Recipient Management
Exchange View-Only Administrators
Organization Management
Exchange Recipient Administrators
View-Only Organization Management
Public Folder Management
Denied RODC Password Replication Group
High Mandatory Level
- Make sure the BESA and the System Logon account in Backup Exec are the same. => NOK,It worked before, so i don't see a reason why it should be
- Give the new user the relevant rights and also activate the mailbox by sending and receiving mail.
- Restart all BE services on te media server and the remote server.
- Re-try the backup/restore.
Somebody info?