Forum Discussion

Bryan_Fulkersin's avatar
18 years ago

Restore says media not cataloged, even after catalog job is run.

Hello. Hopefully someone can help me with this issue I'm having.

BackupExec 8.50, Rev 3571
Windows SBS 2000

I have a few files I need to restore from a tape from Wednesday night. I pop the tape in, do an inventory, and then hit restore. No selections. Attempting to restore from the "Device" tab and right-clicking on the media states, "The selected media was not found in the catalogs..." Hmm. So, I run a catalog job, which runs for about 4 minutes, then quits with a 0 byte count. Catalog log file says:

Job Operation - Catalog
Loading set list from storage media.
The media for sequence number 1 in this media family has not been inventoried.
No sets on this media may be cataloged.

Wonderful. I find a solution that says to change the catalog options and remove the checkmark from "Use Storage Based Media Catalogs". I do this, and run another catalog job. This time, I get all 61GB on the log, and completes successfully. I run another inventory (just to make sure), and then restore....Nope...Media has not been cataloged.

Back to searching on the web. I find a solution to stop all backup exec services, rename the Catalog folder to Catalog.old. Restart services. New catalog folder is created, and I leave the folder open as I start yet another 45 minute catalog job. TMP files show up as the job is running, but once the job is done, there's nothing in the catalog folder. So, I run an inventory again and then attempt to restore....No Go, Joe...Media has not been cataloged. (Of course it hasn't - there's no files in the catalog folder).

Am I completely missing something? It's been forever since I have had to run a restore on this server (and this is a new server - built in May 2006).

I have another installation of BackupExec on an older server with DLT drive, and it's working and cataloging correctly. (The new server is LTO, going across to the other server is out of the question).

Don't know if it matters, but this tape contains the backup of two servers, each with its own job. The first job is set to overwrite, the second set to append. These are nightly full backups.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks very much in advance.

Bryan Fulkersin
IT Director
Moulthrop-Clift, Inc.

EDIT: There was also a solution to install the latest MDAC version. Yep, tried that as well.

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Bryan FulkersinMessage was edited by:
Bryan Fulkersin

5 Replies

  • The error indicates that the tape that you are trying to catalog is part of a multi-volume backupset. All media in a backupset need to be present in the catalog (inventoried) before any of them can be cataloged AFAIK
  • Strange...since both backup jobs that run nightly on each tape are completed on one tape. The total of both jobs adds up to about 60 Gig, and the tapes are Ultrium 2 200/400GB.

    I'm attempting to re-install BackupExec this afternoon. I will post my findings as soon as I'm done.
  • I followed the steps outlined in the support document "How to uninstall and reinstall Backup Exec for Win NT ... without losing vital data information" (

    I also made sure the registry entries under ODBC for Backup Exec were removed from the system. (

    After the catalogs were copied back to the default Backup Exec directory and services restarted, I was able to see restore selections (although they were quite old). Re-cataloging the tapes within the Media Set brought back my selections.

    So, apparently it was a Jet Database issue.
  • Can't award points to myself. This issue has been resolved.Message was edited by:
    Bryan Fulkersin