Forum Discussion

dddd_ddd's avatar
Level 2
18 years ago

SBS 2003/exchange/10d corruption of exchange store

I'm having an issue on many servers (mostly proliant's) where bkp exec reports corrupt messages mostly they look something like

WARNING: "\\EXCHANGE\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes\SystemMailbox{C4C584BF-BD86-46DA-BC8A-B......} schema-rootmicrosoftexchangeV.......愰㑡〰〰savedestination_m.xml" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.

WARNING: "\\EXCHANGE\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes\username Top of Information StoreInboxŒ〰〰〰.......㍥〰〰FW: BullBearings" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.

This happens on all the SBS servers as far as i can tell and running eseutill doesn't seem to resolve this as errors just come back after a couple of days

Any ideas? Its all different networks - oh one other thing - we mostly use Trend AV - but some machines have mcaffee and we see the same issues

3 Replies

  • hmm i see other people are reporting this issue

    is there a know fix -- can anyone tell me if it is Exchange or Symantec causing this issue

  • I see the same issue myself, but I've only one SBS server, and it only happens to 2 specific users..

    Theres a KB here:

    But to be honest its useless as its "solution" is to delete the data that causes the problem.. which isn't really a solution.

    I tried it anyway... but then the issue comes back again.

    I've seen another "solution" somewhere else in the forums that talked about downgrading the error generated by this type of failure, so that it isn't recorded as a failure.. but again, this isn't a proper solution.

    One thing I'd like to try but I don't know how: How to verify a users mailbox is OK.. I've not complaints from the users in question about their mailboxes being broken, but maybe theres a hidden issue.

    (NB: I've no AV software at all and I still get this)Message was edited by:
    adrian marsh
  • Adrian,

    Thanks for that - Its interesting what it says about system messages as I've noticed that administrator's account is often bad (which would contain a lot of system messages - I wonder why BE has problems with those -

    - You really really should get some AV software on your server. Im a huge fan of Trend AV but of course I better suggest you get Symantec AV ;) (seeming as im a Symantec reseller as well)

    You can run eseutil which CAN repair corruptions to the database but i'm not convinced there are any

    I think the fix is for BE not to fail to backup these kind of messages in the first instance
