Forum Discussion

2 Replies

  • Scott,
    Symantec claims that they will support WSS 3.0 at some time.  They originally stated that support would be available by 1st quarter 2007 - which is why I went with BE 11d.  However, there is not only no support for WSS 3.0 as of yet, Symantec has no desire to keeep their customers informed as to when they might expect this functionality.  I personally have beeen waiting since February.
    Not quite what I expect from a company with Symantec's reputation and resources.  Obviously, this support is not important to Symantec - nor are their customers that have been promised this support.  One would think that the company that develops the supposed premier backup package would have some idea of how to work with Microsoft, and release their supporting products within a few weeks of a major Microsoft release.
    Good luck - but don't hold your breath.  Find another option - there is no telling how long you will have to wait.
  • Wish I realized that before I wasted $500+ on the addin.
    Was able to do a decent backup and retore using an automated stsadm script.