Forum Discussion

LegAEI's avatar
Level 5
11 years ago

Simple backups with deduplication and archiving scenario


I am quite new to using backup exec 2012 with the idea of DLM and need some questions answered (i.e. my setup confirmed)

Some history:

Currently, we are using another backup solution that pushes backups via FTP to two stores that leap frog each other. The people here have become very used to being able to delete a file and that file being available to them in the future on account of our incremental backups never cleaning up backup sets (our storage is much larger than usage, the company is not very data heavy.) With DLM, I believe files like these in the backup sets will be removed after the retention period of the backup has been reached, as the backup sets themselves are deleted to regain storage. In this case, I believe I have read people would set up a duplicate backup to archive media such as tape so recovery of files that might have been deleted months or years ago will be available. Our company gets audited frequently, and we could be asked to produce data that might have been deleted for years off our production servers. We would like to use offsite tape storage sets to comply with data retention standards we have to comply to.

The setup I would think of for us is:

One full backup per week, with daily incremental backups all to our deduplication storage on our media server, with data retention set to a level our media set could handle (currently eight weeks.) Then, we could have a weekly Backup to deduplication then duplicate to tape action for archiving purposes that backs up to scratch media.

1. Weekly Full backup to deduplication (eight week retention) with duplication to tape (no retention, tapes are archived off site)

2. Daily incremental backup to deduplication (eight week retention)

Would this setup would give us eight weeks of backup data available to restore on our live media server and unlimited restore potential from archive tapes? We would not be re-using our tapes in this scenario.

Sorry if this question is too simple for the forum.



  • Yes. Your setup is correct for what you are trying to achieve. Note that beyond 8 weeks, your tapes will only allow you to restore to a week and not to the day

2 Replies

  • Yes. Your setup is correct for what you are trying to achieve. Note that beyond 8 weeks, your tapes will only allow you to restore to a week and not to the day
  • Thanks, as a side question, for DR purposes, is it worth it to back up the deduplication store to media to be stored offsite (tape or removable HDD storage) or will that just be redundant to our archived data? We will be encrypting our tapes.