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alanstardis's avatar
12 years ago

Simplified Disaster Recovery Wizard doesn't show backup sets

Hi Guys,


I'm trying to restoe a server using SDR. However, when I get to the screen where you choose your backup sets, nothing is displayed in the "Point in time" list. This was the same tape I used about a month ago and it was working fine. I have cataloged tape and it does show all the backup sets if you do it from the BE 2012.(see below)

Does anyone know what could go wrong? I have tried a lot of things but couldn't get the backup sets to show up in SDR wizard!







10 Replies

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  • Were the backups run as SDR enabled backups ? The backup of the server in question must have been done with all of the critical systems selected. As you dont see any selections available the D.R. files may have never been created.. Please view the doc below.. 



  • Check if there is a point in time selection for the server you need to recover.

    To do this, follow these steps:

    1. Click on the 'Backup and Restore' tab
    2. Click on the Restore button
    3. Double-click on the following: Complete online restore of a computer, or restore system components
    4. Double-click on the following: A Microsoft Windows computer that was fully selected for a backup
    5. For 'Point in time', select the drop down to find the selection for the server you wish to restore

    You should also check if the server's System State is listed to.

    To do this, follow these steps:

    1. Click on the 'Backup and Restore' tab
    2. Click on the Restore button
    3. Double-click on the following: Complete online restore of a computer, restore system components
    4. Double-click on the following: Active Directory, ADAM/AD, and/or System State
    5. Look for the servers' name and expand it to see if the System State is listed

    If neither suggestion produces results, then you either have the wrong tape or it's the right tape but may have been overwritten since the last time you used it.



  • No, the backups were not configured to run as SDR. However, it was working perfectly fine a month ago where i can see all the backup times in the point in time. The only thing I am think is that the tape might have expired.

  • Even if the Opp on the tape has expired the point in time selections should still be visible/selectable "Provided they have not been overwritten." When i say that the backups needed to be SDR enable i mean that the green light is illuminated on the top of the backup resource selection screen when editing/creating the job. You may also want to inventory/catalogue the tape that you have in the drive to verify that B.E. knows exactly what is written to it.

  • There is point in time if I run the restore from the BE server as attached screenshot.

    This was the same tape I used a month ago and never got changed.

  • Yes, the light was green. This tape has been used before and nenver got over written, it even sets in our DR test tape drive from last restore and hasn't been taken out yet.

    I have tried to inventory/catalogue the tape twice, backup sets showed up in BE but no in SDR wizard.

  • We are experiencing the same problem.  I am testing a disaster recovery scenario in a lab environment.  The lab consists of a Media server, DC, and Exchange.  I was able to successfully perform an SDR copying the B2D files from the production media server to the test media server.  My next step was to try the SDR using tapes instead of B2D files since tapes is what would be used in a real disaster.  Everything worked the same until it was time to select the backup set.  What's odd, is if I copy the B2D files from the production server to the test server, I'm able to see the backup sets, and I'm given the ability to select backup to tape "point in time".  I did recover my DC from tape but only if the B2D file is on the media server.  This won't work in a real disaster especially since I'm setting up an offsite disaster recovery location which is 5 hrs away. 

    Has anyone found a solution?

    • Red1's avatar
      Level 1


      I have the same issue, other thing

      some Recovery point said tha it's expired, I do not undestand why, it was green in the Console?

      Why I can not see my 12months FULL Backup when booting the server using SDR DVD? please confirm, I'm in critical status.

      Is there anyway to move or export the desired SDR Backup to an external drive?
