Forum Discussion

Itera_Drift's avatar
10 years ago

SQL Backup of Multiple instance


I have a server that contains two SQL instance. When creating a backup job, I'm able to see both SQL instance but i seems like it's the same Databases on

both instance. Do I have to configure anything so the agent is able to see both instace or should the databases appear by it self. The agent do have full access to the SQL server and databases.






Steen Roenne


  • No specific configurations required. Just the installation of the remote agent is enough to show all the instances and the databases contained.


    As Colin Weaver has mentioned, you may have to check with your SQL admin to see if it is replicated.

  • Probably more of a question for your SQL admin to confirm what is held within the two SQL instances (and whether or not they replicate between one anotbher.)

  • No specific configurations required. Just the installation of the remote agent is enough to show all the instances and the databases contained.


    As Colin Weaver has mentioned, you may have to check with your SQL admin to see if it is replicated.

  • Thanks for your feedback. I'm agree that it has to be in the SQL to solve the problem, as i'm sure if it was related to the agent it would have been mentioned in some whitepaper. Now I have to convince my SQL Admin to take another look at the server.

  • Found the problem.

    the backup agent mixed the instance names (SQL management studio didn't have the problem - but ODBC manager could reproduce the problem).

    Using cliconfg.exe (use c:\windows\system32\cliconfg.exe for 64 bit and C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cliconfg.exe for 32 bit.exe) we created aliases for both instances choosing TCP as protocol and fixed port number 1433)

    This creates registry entries like this (you can also just add this to the registry directly - replace SERVERNAME with your SQL servers name and MYINSTANCE with you instance name - last set the correct IPnumbers).

    In this example the SQL server (and default instance of SQL server) SERVERNAME binds to (TCP port 1433)

    and second instance of SQL server binds til (TCP port 1433)

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



    We restarted the Symantec backup agent after this