8 years agoLevel 4
Staging & Hyper-V restores
This article--
--leaves me with a few questions:
- "Tape backups require a staging location that is at least as large as the data that you back up." The way I read this, restore requires enough space for all data in the backup job. But to be able to do a GRT restore from any arbitrary VHDX, we need enough staging space for the largest VHDX backed up, plus 1GB for GRT metadata. Correct?
- A non-GRT DR restore (restoring an entire Hyper-V host) requires no staging space at all, even if the job was GRT-enabled during backup. Correct?
- A non-GRT VHDX restore (restoring an entire VHDX) requires no staging space at all, even if the job was GRT-enabled during backup. Correct?
For GRT restore random I/O access on VM files is required hence staging VM files on disk is necessary. You are correct, it would need that much space. More deteails are documented in following technote :
You may also change the staging location using following method:
Thanks and Regards,