Forum Discussion

TeeJayUu's avatar
Level 4
13 years ago

System Lock on Quantum SuperLoader


Have just purchased a Quantum SuperLoader 3 and using BUE 2010 (R1).  Every time I perform an operation on the tape (Job, Inventory, etc) I get the following when I try and eject the tape:

System Lock, Chk Bkup SW Cfg

Admittedly, I am new to tape loader having used a HP DAT 160 drive, but the only way I seem to be able to eject the tape is to turn the server off, turn the Quantum off, turn the Quantum back on, eject the tape and turn the server back on.

Does anyone one else use a SuperLoader that can point me in the right directionor is it something to do with BUE?



  • @TeeJayUu - I think you should not disable the locking of the library.  If you do that, someone can remove the magazine while a backup is being done and you might end up with a failure.

    You should schedule an unlock job instead.  Right-click on the library and select Unlock.  You will get an Unlock job, you can then use the schedule section to schedule it to run at a convenient time.  I run mine at 0845 hours so that the library is unlocked when I start my day.

16 Replies

  • An Import or Export job will issue a lock/unlock SCSI command before it issues the MOVE command.  Therefore it is not neccessary to run a lock/unlock job prior to importing/exporting media.  Larry Fine is correct in stating some tape libraries need to be locked/unlocked from each BE media server, in a SAN.  This is pointed out on the HCL for those tape libraries that are subject to this behavior.

  • Then explain to me why my HP MSL2024 library is still locked after an export command.  I have to unlock the library before I can eject the mailslot.  Otherwise, when I press the button on the front panel, it will say that the library is locked by the system.

    For BE 2010, BE locks the library when it does any operation and BE does not unlock the library.  If you do an export after that, you would not be able to eject the mailslot without unlocking the library first.  This is true for HP MSL2024 library.  I don't know about other libraries.

  • ...we've got MSL2024 tape libraries connected via SCSI cards to HP servers and they need to be unlocked, so it's not just in a SAN. This is also true of HP StorageWorks 1/8 G1/G2 autoloaders...they all needed to be unlocked before removing tapes or cartridges.


  • There is some confusion on terminology between unlocking from "BE" vs. unlocking from the "DEVICE" as well as accessing "magazines" vs. "mailslots". Devices with mailslots enabled do not require any additional “BE” unlocking with the import/export job. In fact many library mailslots always remain unlocked. However "magazines" are locked by the software. Specifically with the MSL2024 after an export/import you must still go to the front panel and issue an “OPEN MAILSLOT”. If you are using “UNLOCK MAGAZINE” then the mailslots on the device are disabled, magazines would require an unlock to be issued. If a unlock is still required check with Hardware Vendor to make sure the latest FW is applied and verify your Mailslots configuration settings.
  • Devices with mailslots enabled do not require any additional “BE” unlocking with the import/export job.

    This is DEFINITELY NOT TRUE for a HP MSL2024.  I have to unlock my library before I can eject the mailslot from my front panel.

    There is no such thing as an Unlock Magazine function in BE.  As for the front panel of the library or the WebUI, there is no way to unlock the library if it is locked by a software like BE.

    I am on the latest firmware.

  • Hi pkh

    I ran a test on a MSL2024 G3 running FW 5.70 and I did verify that it does unlock when doing an export and import job. 

    Going back to the confusion on terminology mentioned earlier.  This unlock I'm talking about is BE's Software unlock to the library.  No physical door actually opens here.  You must still go to the front panel and issue "UNLOCK MAILSLOT" from the hardware for the MSL2024 & on the MSL4048 & 8096 it is "OPEN MAILSLOT" (just noticed it was different for 2024 model).  The lock I am refering to allows an unlock of the mailslot not actually opening the physical door.  This is used for preventing anyone from opening the mailslot without an import/export.  I believe this is where the terminology is being confused throughout this thread.

    If you are still experiencing the inablity to unlock your mailslot even after an import/export without running an actual unlock job from BE, I have some troubleshooting steps.   Backup Exec has a SCSI bus trace tool included with Backup Exec at C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\tracer.exe.  Run this prior to running an import/export.  Now click on a line that comes up that reads "PREVENT_ALLOW_MEDIUM_REMOVAL".  Below it should read "Prevent removal from changer - FALSE".  This sends the unlock to the library.  You will notice this same command is sent to the library when doing an unlock job.  And also it will change this to "TRUE" when closing the door and running a lock job. 

    Hope this helps