Forum Discussion

parkar-noor's avatar
10 years ago

two backup software and tape library partitioning

hi all

i am using symantec backup exec 2014 and another third party backup application.

i have two tape drive in a 8096 tape library. i want to make sure one tape drive is availabe for symantec and another for second backup application.

what is the best to divide tape library.



  • You would need to use features of the 8096 to partition it into two logical libraries.  That way each server would only see one tape drive and the nuymber of storage slots that you allocated to that logical library/partition.

    Backup Exec and the other backup software need to be on different servers as Backup Exec assumes that it owns & controls all tape devices and robotic libraries that are seen by the operating system.

  • You would need to use features of the 8096 to partition it into two logical libraries.  That way each server would only see one tape drive and the nuymber of storage slots that you allocated to that logical library/partition.

    Backup Exec and the other backup software need to be on different servers as Backup Exec assumes that it owns & controls all tape devices and robotic libraries that are seen by the operating system.

  • I doubt any partition scheme will work. How are you going to tell BE and the other application that they only control half the library?

  • once it is partitioned at library level, BE will see only 1 tape drive and slots alotted to it will  show in BE.


    once tape library is partitioned , each partitioned will work as seperate libraray.



  • If I remember correctly, there was another user who was trying to do the same thing as what you are trying to do and even with two servers, he is unable to do so.  Let us know your experience.

  • there is way to partiton library, tape drive must be in particular slot.. This info available in tape libraray user guide.

    Now what i want to know is if library is partitioned, i need to configure mail slots so that i can remove tapes online.

    but as per tape library guide, it will configure 3 mail slots in magzines 1 becoz tape library 8096 supports that way, and renaming slots will be renumbered.  how it will affect my jobs in symantec.

  • The problem with partitioning a library is exactly what parts of the library can be partitioned some libraries cannot split out everything that backup products might need to individually own or control whilst other libraries (usually the more expensive kinds) do provide enough facility. Basically there are at least 3 areas that may need to be uniquely assigned to one backup product and not shared.

    1) Access to the 'arm' that moves tapes from slots to drives (often referred to as the library itself). Most libraries have one physical arm but some can provide a virtual respresentation (similar to a partition) of two arms that can then be used separately by backup products without either product being aware of the other and with the library itself handling contention requests.

    2) Access to individual drives. If you have multiple drives you can partition drives to different servers (as long as the library supports it) and therefore different applications as long as they are on different servers. You can't partition with multiple, apps on one server as this kind of split is at an OS/HBA level and not the application specific level.)

    3) Access to mailslots (Import/Export slots). I am not sure if these can be shared or also have to be unique to each application

    4) Partitioning the storage slots (this should kind of go hand in hand with the drive partitioning as it would not be that useful to only be able to split the drives and not the storage


    Now in most cases Point 1 above is the problem as unique / controlling / owning access to the arm would be required by both backup products and this is where you need to look at the facilities offered by the library as to whether such a 'virtual' split of the arm is possible and can be linked with the partitioning of the drives/storage slots



  • hi, Larry

    i need to know if after enabling library partitioning into two logical libraries, both library can access same mail slots or no. i mean mail slot can be shared  or no?


    i am planning to create two logical libraries and enables 3 mail slot in left lower magzines.






  • You need to diccuss such setups with the library hardware vendor and not the backup software vendor.

  • i need to know if after enabling library partitioning into two logical libraries, both library can access same mail slots or no. i mean mail slot can be shared  or no?

    i am planning to create two logical libraries and enables 3 mail slot in left lower magzines.

    As Colin stated, the true answer needs to come from the library hardware vendor.  I do not know the answer for htat specific library.

    In general, the mail slots work with partitioning in one of these ways:

    • The mails slots are shared.  When media are to be imported, you first have to tell the library (typically via the library web or LCD interface) which partition you intend to import those tapes to, then you run the BE import job.  Export is easy, but it is up to you to know what to do with the tapes after they get put into the mail slots as there may also be other tapes exported from the other partition sitting there.
    • The mail slots are allocated/divided.  You determine when the partition is created how many mailslots will be allocated to that partition.