Forum Discussion

mrinal_sarkar62's avatar
12 years ago

Using the scratch tape while backup is running.


We have the following details :-

1. Two Hyper-V server (Windows 2008 R2).

2. BE 2012 SP1 on Windows 2008 R2.

3. Tape Library (Single Drive).(24 slots)

4. Storage (EMC VNXe 3100).

We have partitioned the tape library where two slots on each partition.

Now , my query is as follows:-

We have a policy where we are using a particula partiion of the backup destination location. And we have one tape on to the slot (Among the two slot), I mean to say that the each partition is having one tape.

When I excute the backup policy we found that the tape which its was using to take backup got filled and As I told We have one tape in each partition, now Will this work if I put a scratch tape in to the seconf slot of that partition on the fly (in mioddle of job running).


I need to stop the entire backup jos and put more tape and start the backup once more.


I need to change the tape form that particula slot and use a scratch tape on to the same slot on the fly(when backup jos is running).



4 Replies

  • Hi,

    " Depending upon the config, an alert to insert overwritable media would be prompted...and you can specify an overwritable tape to be used during the backup process"

    This will work ...I doesn't required any thing else right...

    But let me tell u its not happaning.........any troublshooting required.


  • Depending upon the config, an alert to insert overwritable media would be prompted...and you can specify an overwritable tape to be used during the backup need to restart the backup job...

  • You need to import overwritable tape in second slot in same partition. It will work.

  • The problem with putting in the second tape on the fly you need to inventory the tape and how are you going to do this when there is an active job using the tape drive.

    Doing anything while the job is running is not feasible.

    It would be better if you 

    1) put 2 tapes in each partition

    2) get rid of your partitions and have a pool of scatch tapes for BE to use.