Forum Discussion

dori_bashan's avatar
10 years ago

V-79-57344-65033 - Directory not found. Cannot backup directory



working with BE 2014 and latest updates.


backup to tape.

The selection list is configure to backup everthing in a specific folder beside one sub folder.

see attched screen shots.


 yet, if i have data that was present in the folder that is configured to be backup yesterday and the backup was sucsusfull, and that data was deleted from folder today, the incremnatal backup will run it will report an error and the job will failed.


we are working in a workflow in which data in copied to that folder everyday, we backup that folder to lto and then delete the media from the folder.

Then, the next backup will run and will add the new data to the tape set, while the old data is not present anymore.

 i dont understand why the job is failing. with this error:

V-79-57344-65033 - Directory not found. Cannot backup directory

 It is correct, the folder is not here anymore. but the root folder is there and   the backup should run withut an issue and error

i have seen the KB saying that i should delete the path that is not relevant from the selection Details

but the deleted folder is not mentiond there.

This workflow worked without an issue on BE 2010


12 Replies

  • it is an error, and the job is marked as Failed.

    even that bassicly everthing is OK, beside some folders that was moved/deleted/renamed on the source.

    again, i don't see a reason why those move/delete/renaming on the source cause the jobs to fail.

    source is changed everday day, isn't this the all idea behind incremental BU?


  • If you have made top-level selections and AOFO is enabled, then such an error should not occur. Would recommend to log a support case to have a look @ your config and setup.