Forum Discussion

Mickey_Metcalf's avatar
19 years ago

Veritas BUEX Version 10 Error 57802

Runing W2003 Sp1 with Terminal Server Services active. Uninstalled V 10 totally and reinstalled a clean install using Add Programs from CP and TSS disabled. Install ran OK. Used domain adminsitrator's account for service account during setup but server is a domain member server running SQL for the city FD. BE Server won't start. Getting an event 57802 with the following explanation: An internal error (13) occurred in object 14.

I changed service account to a local domain account with administrtor privileges and did the DCOM security setting changes and samey-samey. All BUEX services start except Beserver and of course JOb engine since it is dependent. Event log says the service started and then stopped. Event 57802 coupled with that occurrence.

Any fix thoughts?

4 Replies

  • Hello,

    You can refer the following technote to troubleshoot this issue.
    Note:Also refer the related document given in this technote.

    NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.
  • As stated be4 I have followed the instructions to change the security setting in DCOM for both the system account and the services account used to start BUE. This error is different than that documented in 277214 and/or 275032. There may still be a DCOM problem but it is not obvious. The specific event id is:57802. The message is an internal error (13) ocurred in object 14. All of your other tech support article refer to an internal error (14) in object 13 or the -1 error but not (13) in 14. Still will not start, or rather message reports service started and then stopped.
  • Hello Mickey,

    Please perform the following steps:
    1. Register the required DLL:

    2. Check if port 3527 is in use:

    3. Re-apply or apply the latest Service Pack on the Operating System.

    Hope this helps you.


    NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked "assumed answered" and would be moved to "answered questions" pool.
  • Ok Have run regsvr32 on the schedmgrur.dll. It reported successful registration of the dll.

    Netstat reports that port 3527 is not in use by any application listening to that port.

    Have reapplied SP1 to Windows 2003 Server standard and SP3 to Veritas 10.0.

    The system still reports that the service has started and then stopped with internal error (13) in object 14. Event ID: 57802

    Note this is not internal error (14) in object 13 as your answer covers in point 1.! If they are the same problem why are they different?