Forum Discussion

mgmasterv2's avatar
Level 6
10 years ago

Very slow Backup Exec Console (GUI)

Hello Everyone

i have serious problem with Backup Exec Admin Console, its very Slow , Sometime its take 15 minutes to open the console , editing the jobs are worst it takes10-20 minutes to edit a job (sometime with query time out.)

i can see SQL Information & Storage Error related log in Windows Event viewer as Below:

Source: Backup Exec  EventID : 57345

Database Exception Context:SaveNrdsAgent Error:-536837662: ::-2147217900:Error in Fetching Lock:........


Source:Backup Exec EventID:58053

Bavkup Exec Alert:Storage Error

Backup Exec was unable to initialize andcommunicate with the device [HP MSL G3 Series 8.60] (the system cannot find the path specified.)



i tried to Repair BEDB but BEUtility cant connect to SQL server , with error of "Cannot Start SQL Server Service" ,i tried to fix that with Changing registry setting for SQL Instance then its gets worst ! windows gone in complete fail ( after restarting server , all the windows services failed to start) so i changed back registry keys.

  • BE 2014 SP2 ( 2 server - CAS & MBES) on windows server 2012 R2 with SQL 2008 Enterprise R2 SP2 .
  • BE Use Local SQL Server with Instance of "MSSQLSERVER" (BEUTILITY Want to use BKUPEXEC)
  • Recently i have Upgraded my servers to SP2 , during the SP2 Update CAS server failed to install the update but after a few tries its updated to SP2 Successfully. ( the Problem appeared after SP2 Upgrade)
  • We have 2 HP MSL Libraries , backup exec is only using one of them (over FC) and other is connected to another backup system but BE can See It.
  • the other library was in offline mode until recently we delete it from BE Console ( ithink it has somthing to do with GUI Problem TECH204561 )
  • SymHelp says the Database Schema is Older than Backup Exec Version ( i tried TECH50537 but still getting same error)

this server is so important for us , we cannot reload the database we have more than 200 Jobs on it with 150 TB of Backup data.

I really apperciate it if anyone can help me with that.






  • i tried everything , after removing MMS or FC Cables from server console works fine.

    i think you are right its a hardware failure and i think its other HP Library that connected to DataProtector we can see that in BE console in Disabled State. for now we are removed MMS BE and everything working fine.


4 Replies

  • ...I've seen you open a couple of queries around this, and you seem to have tried it all. My recommendation here is to open a support query with Symantec and ask them to to a deep-dive of the issues and ask them to assis.


  • thanks , im going to do that . but i have a problem with Support , first of all the server's are for one of our customers.

    their CSO wont allow any kind of remote from outside to their network neither any kind of Log with server/network information to outside.

    when im contacting support they want access to server or Symhelp Log with all the details and  after im saying i cant give you that ,they keep calling me  , emaling me and so on.....

    so im trying to solve it my self if icant then im going to open a ticket with support.

    for now ,i run a test and restore BEDB to a new server with SQL Express (Default instance) and run a database repair on that server , after that on that new server the gui problem is gone so im going to install a new instance of SQL server with "BKUPEXEC" name and move BEDB to that new instance then run a repair and   ..... i hope this will fix the problem.

    i will post the result here in couple of days.

  • Well, if you've restored the BEDB on another server and it works, have you checked for the following:

    1. Hardware (prefailure) failure on HDDs?

    2. HDD defragmentation on the drive holding the BEDB?

    3. Any antivirus installed that isn't perhaps scanning the BE services? If so, put in an exclusion for them and try again.

    4. Run a repair of the BEDB using BEutility and check again.

    5. Download BE 2014 SP2 and reinstall it on the server giving you the issues.


  • i tried everything , after removing MMS or FC Cables from server console works fine.

    i think you are right its a hardware failure and i think its other HP Library that connected to DataProtector we can see that in BE console in Disabled State. for now we are removed MMS BE and everything working fine.