Forum Discussion

xadox's avatar
Level 5
7 years ago

VMware VixDiskLib Problem

I am backing up a VMware mashine with BackupExec 16 through AVVI agent.
The backup was working fine for several years now.

After extending the VMDK size of the virtual harddisk I receive now a 0xe0009579 VMware VixDiskLib problem in the backup job.

The VMDK is around 2.3TB in size. Bevore resizing it had around 2TB.
The disk is GPT formated.

  • The Full Backup was working without problems.
    After that the incremental backup finish without probs, also.

  • if you resized and issue started, you can give it a try to reset CBT and then test the backup.
    apart from this does the error come up only when doing GRT backup or error is seen during a non GRT backup ?
    Do you run the backup using the san mode or nbd mode ? 
    can you paste the complete error here. Is there a firewall in between ? Do you have any other VM greater than this VM size , which is getting backed up successfully ?

    • xadox's avatar
      Level 5

      It's a GRT backup. Transportmode is set to SAN.

      There are no other vm's with greater vmdks in size. All other backups are less than 600GB in size.
      No firewall in between.

      Reseting CTB and creating a non GRT backup takes time.
      So have to test this at weekend. Since its a productive file server.