Forum Discussion

bmartinsanchez's avatar
13 years ago

Where Can I download remote agent R3

Where Can I download remote agent R3 for BE 2010, on the iso file that I download from, the folder that contains the agent  RAWSx64 for install (upgrade) don't work. When I try to install from local I have this log:



Symantec Backup Exec Remote Agent (TM) 13 Installation Log

10-24-2011,13:23:31 : EnumProcesses Counts: 43
10-24-2011,13:23:31 : Windows Operating System Version: 6.1
10-24-2011,13:23:31 : GetProductInfo returned success. Checking for CORE OS values.
10-24-2011,13:23:33 : Executing managed _Setup:
10-24-2011,13:23:33 : C:\Users\admin_bmartin\Desktop\RAWSX64\install\_Setup.exe
10-24-2011,13:23:33 : Loading XML from:
10-24-2011,13:23:33 : C:\Users\admin_bmartin\Desktop\RAWSX64\install\IFProducts.xml
10-24-2011,13:23:33 : ArgsDataParser::InitDictionary
10-24-2011,13:23:33 : AgentSeqDlgs::RawsDlgSequence
10-24-2011,13:23:33 : Set RAWS Media path: C:\Users\admin_bmartin\Desktop\RAWSX64\install\media\
10-24-2011,13:23:33 : RawsDlgSequence::CheckInstMode
10-24-2011,13:23:34 : BEOperations::BE_GetInstalledProdCodeVersion()
10-24-2011,13:23:34 : Found 13.0.4164 RAWS AMD64 Product.
10-24-2011,13:23:34 : RawsDlgSequence::CheckUpgrade
10-24-2011,13:23:34 : BEOperations::BE_GetInstalledProdCodeVersion()
10-24-2011,13:23:34 : Found 13.0.4164 RAWS AMD64 Product.
10-24-2011,13:23:34 : Terminal Services enabled.
10-24-2011,13:23:34 : Terminal Services server has been set to Install mode.
10-24-2011,13:23:34 : Launching UI Install
10-24-2011,13:23:34 : Running in Upgrade mode
10-24-2011,13:23:34 : AgentSeqDlgs::ADlgWelcome
10-24-2011,13:23:34 : AgentSeqDlgs::ADlgInstallType
10-24-2011,13:23:34 : RawsDlgSequence::CheckInstalledProducts
10-24-2011,13:23:34 : BEOperations::BE_GetInstalledProdCodeVersion()
10-24-2011,13:23:34 : BEOperations::BE_GetInstalledProdCodeVersion()
10-24-2011,13:23:34 : AgentSeqDlgs::DlgChooseCustom
10-24-2011,13:23:34 : AgentSeqDlgs::ADlgPublishRemoteSrv
10-24-2011,13:23:34 : AgentSeqDlgs::AdlgInstallComplete
10-24-2011,13:23:34 : AgentSeqDlgs::Misc_BE_CommonOps
10-24-2011,13:23:34 : Se detectó una instalación anterior de la versión 13.0.4164 de Symantec Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Systems en el equipo local. Se actualizará Symantec Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Systems con la versión 13.0.5204. Después de la actualización, la instalación anterior de Remote Agent no estará disponible. Haga clic en Siguiente para continuar.
10-24-2011,13:23:42 : Local Install Agent
10-24-2011,13:23:45 : AgentSeqDlgs::ReadAdvertiseListKey
10-24-2011,13:23:48 : AgentSeqDlgs::ReadAdvertiseListKey
10-24-2011,13:23:48 : ;
10-24-2011,13:23:49 : AgentSeqDlgs::AgentInstaller
10-24-2011,13:23:49 : Starting Install
10-24-2011,13:23:49 : In GetVMWareGuest().
10-24-2011,13:23:49 : Found VMWare Tools Installed.
10-24-2011,13:23:49 : RAWS MSI Command Line: EXE_ENVOKED=1 ALLUSERS=1 REBOOT=ReallySuppress INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\RAWS" INSTALLLEVEL=100 ADDLOCAL=VFF,VSSPROV,RANT64 TRANSFORMS="C:\ProgramData\Symantec\Backup Exec\{2E214FDB-1B99-4BF3-BEE4-43B82EB1D6AE}\1034.MST" RAWSADVRTISENAMELIST=; ENABLEADVRT=1 PATCH="C:\Users\admin_bmartin\Desktop\RAWSX64\Updates\RAWSx645204RSP1.msp;" VMWAREGUEST = 1 INSTALLUIMODE=1
10-24-2011,13:23:49 : Running Upgrade Mode
10-24-2011,13:23:49 : AgentInstaller::Install_Product_Thread
10-24-2011,13:23:49 : BEOperations::BE_GetInstalledProdCodeVersion()
10-24-2011,13:23:49 : Found 13.0.4164 RAWS AMD64 Product.
10-24-2011,13:23:49 : BEOps::BE_PrepareCachedRawsMSIForUpgrade
10-24-2011,13:23:49 : Updated RAWS cache for PDVFS functionality
10-24-2011,13:23:50 : Updated malta RAWS X64 cache MSI
10-24-2011,13:23:50 : msiexec /i {FE2F6A2C-196E-4210-9C04-2B1BC21F07EF} REMOVE=VSS /qn REBOOT=ReallySuppress
10-24-2011,13:23:51 : Launching MSI: C:\Users\admin_bmartin\Desktop\RAWSX64\install\media\Symantec Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Systems.msi
10-24-2011,13:23:51 : Discovered Total Actions: 0
10-24-2011,13:23:51 : The return code from the MSI is: 1620
10-24-2011,13:23:51 : AgentSeqDlgs::PostInstallActions
10-24-2011,13:23:51 : Cleaning up the symc status key
10-24-2011,13:23:51 : The return value for Symantec Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Systems returned error code: 1620
10-24-2011,13:23:51 : Clean up Symantec installer keys.
10-24-2011,13:23:57 : AgentSeqDlgs::Misc_BE_CommonOps
10-24-2011,13:23:57 : Dialog Sequence Returning errorlevel 1620
10-24-2011,13:23:57 : The Installation Failed!
10-24-2011,13:23:58 : The return code is: 1620
10-24-2011,13:23:58 : ERROR: Installation failed with error 1620. GetLastError = :0

  • Here you have the official link for download:


4 Replies

  • You cannot download the remote agent on it's own you have to download the complete ISO to get it and either install a media server and then use the folder on the media server, or extract the folder from the ISO itself.


  • Here you have the official link for download: