Forum Discussion

adonaubauer's avatar
9 years ago

Wie sichere ich Daten von einem QNAP NAS System?

Folgendes soll gemacht werden:

Mit Backup Exec Version 2015, also der aktuellsten Version (inkl. Feature Pack2!) soll eine
Netzwerkfreigabe gesichert werden. Und zwar auf eine angeschlossene HP Tape Library an einem
Windows Server 2008R2. Sonstigt Backup's auf / von dem System laufen fehlerfrei!!

Diese Netzwerkfreigabe liegt auf einem QNAP NAS.
Es ist eine "normale" Netzwerkfreigabe - KEIN iSCSI!
Also ich will NICHT auf eine Freigabe sichern! Sondern von der Freigabe die Daten auf LTO sichern!

Ich habe nun in der Serverübersicht einen neuen Server hinzugefügt.
Auswahl: Dateiserver oder NDMP-Datenserver (in dieser Auswahl steht explizit: Es wurde kein
Backup Exec Agent installiert)
Ein entsprechendes Benutzerkonto wurde angebeben, und der Server wird auch in der Auswahl
angezeigt - mit allen Freigaben welche auf dem QNAP liegen.

Als nächstes habe ich einen Backup Job erstellt und ein paar Dateien zum testen ausgewählt.
War alles möglich - der Job startet dann auch normal.
Nach kurzer Zeit wird der Job mit einem Fehler beendet - siehe:

Endgültiger Fehler: 0xe000846b - Der Server konnte nicht gesichert werden. Stellen Sie sicher,
dass der Server online und die richtige Version von Agent for Windows auf dem Zielcomputer installiert ist.
Endgültige Fehlerkategorie: Ressourcenfehler
Sichern- ms1Remote Agent nicht auf ms1 festgestellt.
Anschluss nicht möglich an \\ms1\Multimedia
V-79-57344-33899 - Der Server konnte nicht gesichert werden. Stellen Sie sicher,
dass der Server online und die richtige Version von Agent for Windows auf dem Zielcomputer installiert ist.

Meine Frage nun dazu - wie soll ich auf dem QNAP NAS den Agent installieren?
Oder wie schaffe ich es meine Aufgabe zu erledigen? Was mache ich falsch?

mfg und vielen Dank schon mal im vorraus!

  • You will always get a warning that an agent is not installed when trying to do share level backups from NAS devices - this warning cannot be disabled. However you should stil be able to backup, if you cannot backup then something is blocking the login between the media server and the NAS. Note: you do also need an Agent for Windows license against each NAS beineg backed up over shares.


    The easisest way to configure network storage so that logons are easy to mange for backups is an iSCSI connection - OK I can already see you are not configured for iSCSI and that it would obviously need an environmental rethink to do such a thing (assuming the QNAP can do it)

    So accepting the iSCSI is not an option the next suggestion is make sure the QNAP security model is configured to be linked to the same domain the Backup Exec Server is a member of (this would then  make it easy to assign full permisssion to the BE Service Account User, System Logon Account and resource account specified in the job, which could all be the same account if you want. If you have to use a workgroup setup then only defining the resource account should work but this is typically the most commen scenario that for whatever reason gives a logon problem and should be avoided if possible


    After this if you still cannot connect  during a backup job, it does get trickier as it the issue is almost certainly outside of Backup Exec (unless you are using the wrong logon) and something to do with the environment. Probably something like the NTLM challenge response settings between the Operating System of the Backup Exec Server and the NAS device which is blocking the connection. You would start by making sure that if you login to the console of the operating system of the Backup Exec server that you can connect to the shares on the NAS (if you can't - fix this first) If you can then this does not mean you don't have an NTLM isue as NTLM can be different between a console session and a background process/service level session. You will need to lookup how best to adjust NTLM by looking at information from Microsoft (or other websites)

3 Replies

  • You will always get a warning that an agent is not installed when trying to do share level backups from NAS devices - this warning cannot be disabled. However you should stil be able to backup, if you cannot backup then something is blocking the login between the media server and the NAS. Note: you do also need an Agent for Windows license against each NAS beineg backed up over shares.


    The easisest way to configure network storage so that logons are easy to mange for backups is an iSCSI connection - OK I can already see you are not configured for iSCSI and that it would obviously need an environmental rethink to do such a thing (assuming the QNAP can do it)

    So accepting the iSCSI is not an option the next suggestion is make sure the QNAP security model is configured to be linked to the same domain the Backup Exec Server is a member of (this would then  make it easy to assign full permisssion to the BE Service Account User, System Logon Account and resource account specified in the job, which could all be the same account if you want. If you have to use a workgroup setup then only defining the resource account should work but this is typically the most commen scenario that for whatever reason gives a logon problem and should be avoided if possible


    After this if you still cannot connect  during a backup job, it does get trickier as it the issue is almost certainly outside of Backup Exec (unless you are using the wrong logon) and something to do with the environment. Probably something like the NTLM challenge response settings between the Operating System of the Backup Exec Server and the NAS device which is blocking the connection. You would start by making sure that if you login to the console of the operating system of the Backup Exec server that you can connect to the shares on the NAS (if you can't - fix this first) If you can then this does not mean you don't have an NTLM isue as NTLM can be different between a console session and a background process/service level session. You will need to lookup how best to adjust NTLM by looking at information from Microsoft (or other websites)

  • Actually we would authenticate our Backup Exec to access to our NAS. However, the problem now is, that Backup Exec (under Backup and Restore --> credentials) reports, that

    the authentication is faulty and the authentication-tests couldn't be executed.

    Nevertheless, we can say, that Backup Exec should access to different folders, files or directories on the NAS, but the authentication

    to this subfolders is always faulty.

    In contrast, the actual access to the NAS from the Backup Exec is always correct, irrespective of the password


    The access from the server itself to the NAS is successful and we can read every single file without any problem.

  • I believe the test credentials feature may rely on finding a remote agnet so may not fully be suppotred against a NAS.


    Are you talking about the manual test credentials available in the job or server settings or is this an issue with the scheduled credentials test which if enabled usually runs overnight?