Forum Discussion

NeedHelpBro's avatar
10 years ago

6.0.5 install w/all patches

Hi Forum Friends, I need some help installing SFHA with all patches included. I wanted to know if there is a way to install all of these below in the same command? The Sort installation report ...
  • rsharma1's avatar
    10 years ago


    sfha-rhel6.6_x86_64-  patch was basically intended for enabling RHEL 6.6 support on SFHA 6.0.5. The CPI installer program bundled with it (installsfha605p2 ) can be used to directly install the 6.0.1 base release, 6.0.5 MR patches (sfha-rhel6_x86_64-6.0.5) and the RHEL 6.6 patch: sfha-rhel6.6_x86_64-

    As you mentioned above (and as stated in the install steps for sfha-rhel6.6_x86_64- the command to achieve this is:

    # ./installSFHA605P2 -base_path [<601 path>] -mr_path [<605 path>] [<host1> <host2>...]


    However, for this adhoc patch-installer program (installsfha605p2) the responsfile option is not supported.

    (Responsefile options can be used with the installmr program bundled with sfha-rhel6_x86_64-6.0.5)

    Note that the insatllmr program with responsefile can only install upto SFHA 6.0.5 (without the RHEL 6.6 patch). So, you may use the above command to collectively install 6.0.1, 6.0.5 and sfha-rhel6.6_x86_64- 

    Once done, the odm and fsadv patches will need to be installed separately.

    Please note that with 6.1 (or later) release you have option to install individual patches together as mentioned here:


    Hope that helps!