Forum Discussion

  • step 8 maybe not even needed as restarting HAD may result in the service groups be onlined on the "original node" designated (this is decided by your VCS configuration as well as VCS version).  Also this kind of OS upgrade is normally performed during a maintenance window meaning all the production will be down for some times, switch the service groups as the end is fine

    • lelunicu's avatar
      Level 4

      if i like to patch with no downtime then

      hastop -all -force

      patch every node 

      and hastart on dode one by one.


      • frankgfan's avatar

        before running hastop -force -all,, run the commands below

        hastatus -sum         <<< make sure no resource/service groups in transient state  (onlining/offlining/failing)

        hagrp -freeze -persistent SG_name    <<< freeeze all the service group to prevent unexpected on-/offline during maintenance

        hastop -all -force

        follow vendor's procedures to patch up OS   (make sure Veritas version is compatible with the new OS patch)

        start VCS on each node

        unfreeze all the SGs frozen