Cluster Service group IP using IPMultinicB.
We have 2 node cluster using SFHA 6.0 in a Solaris 10 enviornment. We are using Solaris IPMP on a O.S level and MultinicB/IPMultinicB on the VCS level for IP failover for any network failure.
Can I configure the ClusterService service group IP to use the IPMultinicB instead of a single nic (as it is configured during the inital VCS configuration process)
I have done this before for several customers and it works fine. VCS performs operations on the ClusterService group, not the individual resources and GCO just needs the IP up and using IPMP makes it more available, so your proposal is a good idea. Changing the ClusterService is the norm as far as I am concerned as for all my customers, even if they are using NIC, then I would add a Proxy in the ClusterService group to the NIC.
This configuration looks very much OK, this will keep your IP is redundant & is available. May be I wasn't clear before, my recommendation was to have a separate IP, which configuration above has .. so all good