Forum Discussion

vucni11's avatar
Level 4
8 years ago

cvm node


i have on node test6 and test88 vcs and cvm.

normally when i issue hastart on both nodes then vcs and cvm are up.

i started on test88 with gabconfig -c -n1 and i issue hastart.

test88:~ # gabconfig -a
GAB Port Memberships
Port a gen  1c14301 membership ;1
Port h gen  1c14303 membership ;1

why in this case cvm will not start automatically?is this because is a parallel service in

test88:~ # cat /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/
include ""
include ""
include ""

cluster clust (
        HacliUserLevel = COMMANDROOT

system test6 (

system test88 (

group cvm (
        SystemList = { test6 = 0, test88 = 1 }
        AutoFailOver = 0
        Parallel = 1
        AutoStartList = { test6, test88 }

        CFSfsckd vxfsckd (
                ActivationMode Test6 = { tests = sw }
                ActivationMode @test88 = { tests = sw }

        CVMCluster cvm_clus (
                CVMClustName = clust
                CVMNodeId = { test6 = 0, test88 = 1 }
                CVMTransport = gab
                CVMTimeout = 200

        CVMVxconfigd cvm_vxconfigd (
                Critical = 0
                CVMVxconfigdArgs = { syslog }

        ProcessOnOnly vxattachd (
                Critical = 0
                PathName = "/bin/sh"
                Arguments = "- /usr/lib/vxvm/bin/vxattachd root"
                RestartLimit = 3

        cvm_clus requires cvm_vxconfigd
        vxfsckd requires cvm_clus


i try to start cvm

test88:~ # vxclustadm -m vcs -t gab startnode
VxVM vxclustadm ERROR V-5-1-11076 Fencing driver not present. Not starting.

why should i start by hand vxfen?

test88:~ # service vxfen start
Starting vxfen..
Loaded 3.0.76-0.11.1-default on kernel 3.0.76-0.11-default
WARNING:  No modules found for 3.0.76-0.11-default, using compatible modules for 3.0.76-0.11.1-default.
Starting vxfen.. Done
Please see the log file /var/VRTSvcs/log/vxfen/vxfen.log
test88:~ # vxclustadm -m vcs -t gab startnode
VxVM vxclustadm INFO V-5-2-9687 vxclustadm: Fencing driver is in disabled mode
test88:~ # gabconfig -a
GAB Port Memberships
Port a gen  1c14301 membership ;1
Port b gen  1c14305 membership ;1
Port h gen  1c14303 membership ;1
Port m gen  1c14307 membership ;1
Port u gen  1c1430d membership ;1
Port v gen  1c14308 membership ;1
Port w gen  1c1430b membership ;1
Port y gen  1c14309 membership ;1


test88:~ # vxclustadm nidmap
Name                             CVM Nid    CM Nid     State
test6                            1          0          Out of Cluster
test88                           0          1          Joined: Master

test88:~ # vxdg list
NAME         STATE           ID
tests        enabled,shared,cds   1491557254.23.te

test88:~ # vxprint
Disk group: test88


Disk group: tests

dg tests        tests        -        -        -        -        -       -

dm disk_0       disk_0       -        4120320  -        -        -       -

v  testn        fsgen        ENABLED  204800   -        ACTIVE   -       -
pl testn-01     testn        ENABLED  204800   -        ACTIVE   -       -
sd disk_0-01    testn-01     ENABLED  204800   0        -        -       -

i try to mount testn under /vol5s on test88.

test88:~ # cfsmntadm add tests testn /vol5s all=cluster
  Mount Point is being added...

test88:~ # cfsmount /vol5s
  Error: V-35-39: Cluster Manager is not running on system : test6
  Error: V-35-50: Could not mount [/dev/vx/dsk/tests/testn] at /vol5s on test88


why testn was not able to be mounted under /vol5s?is this because the service is parallel?

group vrts_vea_cfs_int_cfsmount1 (
        SystemList = { test6 = 0, test88 = 1 }
        AutoFailOver = 0
        Parallel = 1
        AutoStartList = { test6, test88 }

        CFSMount cfsmount1 (
                Critical = 0
                MountPoint = "/vol5s"
                BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/tests/testn"
                MountOpt Test6 = "cluster"
                MountOpt @test88 = "cluster"
                NodeList = { test6, test88 }

        CVMVolDg cvmvoldg1 (
                Critical = 0
                CVMDiskGroup = tests
                CVMVolume = { testn }
                CVMActivation Test6 = sw
                CVMActivation @test88 = sw

        requires group cvm online local firm
        cfsmount1 requires cvmvoldg1




  • Fencing is not configured in the cluster, that is why its saying its starting in disabled mode.

    Also, why is your other node down?

    Get everything running with a normal setup before you start playing around with more complex scenarios.

    run /opt/VRTS/install/installer -fencing to reconfigure fencing.

  • Fencing is not configured in the cluster, that is why its saying its starting in disabled mode.

    Also, why is your other node down?

    Get everything running with a normal setup before you start playing around with more complex scenarios.

    run /opt/VRTS/install/installer -fencing to reconfigure fencing.