Use the following steps:
As you would need to offline all the apps anyway for OS maintanance take following steps:
1. Offline all SGs one after another (hagrp -offline) in appropriate dependency order.
2. freeze SGs persistently
2.1 open configuration for writting (haconf -makerw)
2.2 Persistent freeze all SGs (hagrp -freeze -persistent)
this will make sure that the SGs will not go online due to AutoStart/AutoStartList after cluster is formed. [Any resources found online at first probe will certainly reflect in the state of SG as PARTIAL or ONLINE, but VCS has not issues any online]
2.3 dump the configuration (haconf -dump -makero)
3. If you are okay to have VCS stack started during the reboot, the rc scripts can stay. However I would let you make this decision.
4. hastop -all on one of the node - to ensure all nodes are stopped.
5. Apply patches - complete the OS maintanance. Re-instate the rc scripts if they have been moved. This step can be done at a point just before last required reboot of the maintanance window.
6. Once nodes are up, and VCS is started forming the complete cluster, unfreeze all the SGs.
6.1 open configuration for writting (haconf -makerw)
6.2 Unfreeze SGs (hagrp -unfreeze -persistent).
This will not initiate AutoStart logic, hence bring the SGs online using 'hagrp -online' command with appropriate order.
6.3 dump the configuration (haconf -dump -makero)
Amit Rangari