Forum Discussion

Mahesh_Gurugunt's avatar
17 years ago

How to restart dependent resources ?

Here is the requirement:
proc1, proc2 and proc3 depend on PROCM (which in turn depends on the standard stuff mountpoint, diskgroup etc.,).  This is all on one node cluster, so no failover and mount point, diskgroup always need to be online(essentially NO serivice group restarts).
1. proc1, proc2 and proc3 need to restart only once on fault, I used RestartLimit =1(since restart is needed only once)  for this, works great.
2. For PROCM, on fault  needs to get restarted only once.  I used RestartLimit = 1 but, when PROCM faults proc1, proc2 and proc3 don't go offline and online. So I used resfault trigger to do the following:
      if (res=PROCM)
      offline proc1, proc2 , proc3
       online PROCM and then online proc1, proc2 , proc3.
Doing above, PROCM does come online, however proc1, proc2 and proc3 do not come online, the log spits out as below
"Resource proc3 (Owner: unknown, Group: procsgrp) is offline on amasse03 (Previous State = OFFLINE)"
and so on for proc2, proc1 respectively.
Is there anything I need to do to force proc1, proc2 and proc3 online after PROCM comes line?

1 Reply

  • What you're trying to do should work.  Is it possible that you're not giving PROCM enough time to go fully online?  Your trigger issues hares -online to PROCM, then immediately follows with hares -online for proc1, proc2, proc3.

    If PROCM isn't yet all the way up, maybe the other three are failing to start?