Forum Discussion

Laszlo_Budai's avatar
10 years ago

Listener resource remain faulted

Hello,   we are doing some failure tests for a customer. We have VCS 6.2 running on solaris 10. We have an Oracle database and of course the listener associated with it. We try to simulate d...
  • starflyfly's avatar
    10 years ago
    HI, Seems vcs can't do this automatically. It's by design. In real production system, listener fault by some reason, it failover to other nodes. System admin need find that, and clear the fault. So listener can failover back later. If vcs automatically clear the fault, listener may still fault if error condition still there. So by design, vcs not clear the fault automatically. Regards
  • mikebounds's avatar
    10 years ago

    As starflyfly says, this is by design to prevent "ping -ponging" - i.e if there is an issue on node1 which causes listener to fail and then group fails over to node 2 and listener fails on node2 also, then if node1 was not in faulted state, then it would fail back to node 1 and then continue to ping-pong between the servers. You could use a Preonline script to run "hagrp -clear", so that when group comes up on node 2 it clears all faults (on node 1), but I would not recommend this as then you can get "ping-ponging", so you should manually clear faults which indicates you have fixed the issue that cause the resource to fault and so system is now valid to fail back to.

    For the listener resource I would recommend setting the RestartLimit so that the process restarts locally first so if the process just happens to die and there is nothing wrong with system, then VCS will restart the listener without having to fail the whole group over.  You can set RestartLimit  to 1 or more to restart 1 or more times - example:

    hatype -modify Netlsnr RestartLimit 2




  • Gaurav_S's avatar
    10 years ago


    The above message indicates that "clean" script completed successfully which means what ever was defined as clean action was executed & returned a completed status code without errors ..

    Whether the above action has cleared the fault or not, will be determined by "monitor" script again .. so once clean is executed, post that a monitor will execute to determine the status of the resource

