Forum Discussion

DCress's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

NFS Export of Solaris, Non-Global Zone, Direct Mounted VxFS Filesystem

Solaris 10 Update 11

SF-HA 6.1 with VxVM update 100

I've got a direct mounted VxFS filesystem in a Solaris non-global zone that needs to be NFS shared.  This would be part of a failover group.

group dbprod1 (
        SystemList = { mia-sgz-p11 = 0, mia-sgz-p12 = 1 }
        AutoStartList = { mia-sgz-p11, mia-sgz-p12 }

        Mount MNT_prod1_rpt1_arch01 (
                Critical = 0
                MountPoint @mia-sgz-p11 = "/export/zones/mia-sdb-p04/root/od/prod1_rpt1_arch01"
                MountPoint @mia-sgz-p12 = "/export/zones/mia-sdb-p05/root/od/prod1_rpt1_arch01"
                BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/prod1_dg/prod1_rpt1_arch01"
                FSType = vxfs
                FsckOpt = "-y"

I've read over both 6.1 bundled agent guide and the virtualization gudie and cannot figure out how to get NFS Server to start in the non-global zones.  This service group will control one of two Oracle databses running in this local zone.  The databases have to be able to failover independently of each other.

  • OK, that document was half of what I needed, another doc shows disabling autostart on two more NFS services.  This has fxed all the problems I've been having in this thread.

    svccfg -s nfs/status setprop "application/auto_enable = false"
    svcadm refresh nfs/status
    svccfg -s nfs/nlockmgr setprop "application/auto_enable = false"
    svcadm refresh nfs/nlockmgr
    svccfg -s nfs/server setprop "application/auto_enable = false"
    svcadm refresh nfs/server
    svccfg -s nfs/mapid setprop "application/auto_enable = false"
    svcadm refresh nfs/mapid


    Thank you for all your help on this, the wall next to my desk has a large head imprint. :)

13 Replies

  • My post keep vanishing.  I've disabled SMF NFS services, I've cleaned out /etc/dfs/dfstab, but everytime I restart NFS inside VCS I see SMF running NFS and I get the "?" over my NFS and NFSRestart services.

    mia-sgz-l02# svcs -a | grep nfs
    disabled       16:16:05 svc:/network/nfs/cbd:default
    disabled       16:16:06 svc:/network/nfs/client:default
    disabled       11:05:26 svc:/network/nfs/nlockmgr:default
    disabled       11:05:26 svc:/network/nfs/server:default
    disabled       11:05:26 svc:/network/nfs/status:default
    disabled       11:05:26 svc:/network/nfs/mapid:default
    disabled       11:05:26 svc:/network/nfs/rquota:default

            NFS NFS_dbtest (
                    Critical = 0
                    Protocol = tcp

            NFSRestart NFS_restart (
                    Enabled = 0
                    Critical = 0
                    NFSRes = NFS_dbtest

            NFSRestart NFS_restartL (
                    Critical = 0
                    NFSRes = NFS_dbtest
                    Lower = 1

            Share Share_dbtest (
                    Critical = 0
                    PathName = "/export/zones/data/db_share"


  • OK, that document was half of what I needed, another doc shows disabling autostart on two more NFS services.  This has fxed all the problems I've been having in this thread.

    svccfg -s nfs/status setprop "application/auto_enable = false"
    svcadm refresh nfs/status
    svccfg -s nfs/nlockmgr setprop "application/auto_enable = false"
    svcadm refresh nfs/nlockmgr
    svccfg -s nfs/server setprop "application/auto_enable = false"
    svcadm refresh nfs/server
    svccfg -s nfs/mapid setprop "application/auto_enable = false"
    svcadm refresh nfs/mapid


    Thank you for all your help on this, the wall next to my desk has a large head imprint. :)

  • Sorry, I only mentioned you need to follow notes for NFSRestart and as you say above you need to follow notes for the NFS agent too - but these are both in the same VCS bundled agent guide document.  You have referenced 5.0 bundled agents guide, but you should follow notes (for both NFSRestart agent and NFS agent) from 6.1 bundled agents guide, just in case there is a difference.
