Forum Discussion

amcasperforu's avatar
13 years ago

Problem putting IP resource online

Hi Guys,

I'm very new to this, I have setup Veritas Cluster Server 5.1 for Windows on a two node cluster (should be active passive environment)

Hope you could take a look on the attachment for the screenshots.

Looking forward for your help. Thanks in advance guys!





    Thanks guys! Looks like I found what's wrong... I have change the IP address to other IP address seems like it should be a virtual IP address and not the IP address configured as the Public IP that I have assigned on the nodes.

    Below are my next concerns:

    1. How about to configure the Heartbeat1 and Heartbeat2. According to Symantec Docu, Hearbeat NICs should have no TCP/IP so I disabled it under the Properties NIC menu.Now, I would I configure a Heartbeat resource so we know if this one fails? I believed under MS Clustering the heartbeat is also monitored.. 

    2. My next problem is, how about adding a resource for my shared disk? what should be the resources needed and the pareamters to set?

    Im trying all of this using a VMWare workstation, where the LUNs (shared disks) came from using StarWind then using the MS SCSi initiator


    Thanks guys!.

13 Replies

  • If you have scripts that I can type, I will appreciate:

    Below are the details I have:


    Public: / / 00-0C-29-42-7B-1D

    Private Heartbeat1: Disabled TCP/IP

    Private Heartbeat2: Disabled TCP/IP



    Public: / / 00-0C-29-AE-E6-53


    Private Heartbeat1: Disabled TCP/IP

    Private Heartbeat2: Disabled TCP/IP

    ClusterName: Cluster
    Database: SQL 2005
    LUNs: Drive L and Drive M
  • Sorry to ask, but how will I install/run the said IP agent? what should I need to make it work? Thanks.


    *very new in this field.

  • Have you confirmed that mac address entered is correct ? If not,

    Is your IP agent running on Node 1 ?   error message clearly says that IP resource is not probed on node 1 ... Also, did u went through any software update for cluster..

    If your IP agent is running, I will suggest to compare the file on both the nodes once..

