Forum Discussion

eu22106's avatar
Level 4
14 years ago

SFWHA and SCOM monitoring

Hi all,

When we try to monitor SFWHA with SCOM we run into the issue that we seem to have 2 management packs looking at the same instances.

One mgmtpack (general sql2005 windows mgmtpack) shows a sql instance as being faulted while the SFWHA mgmpack does not show this. (which is correct) As sql services are not running on the inactive node you would suspect that the inactive state is not shown as "faulted".

Does this mean that on a cluster you disbale the standard packs?


  • Glad to hear you are using the latest packs and the service and not the executable.


    As for your understanding or what our SQL MP does, I would say this is partially correct. While our SQL MP does disable some original discoveries, with the customized discoveries we add, there should not be any loss of functionality for SQL discovery. Our SQL MP should perform all of the regular items that the Microsoft SQL MP does plus additional discovery for SQL managed in an SFW-HA environment.

    Please do not hesitate to let me now if you have any other questions.


3 Replies

  • What are the versions of the SFW-HA management packs that are installed on the server SFW-HA nodes? Also, are you using the MOMHelper.exe utility, or the latest management packs which no longer uses this and installs the (I believe the name is) VCSOpsMgrIntergration service.

    In general, to monitor SQL, we require at least 3 management packs to monitor SQL.  Library (, Discovery (Microsoft.SQLServer.200X) and Monitoring ( management packs. The Library MP defines the types required for SQL monitoring. Discovery MP discovers the SQL objects on a machine and Monitoring MP monitors the SQL objects discovered by discovery MP. If you were not running SFW-HA, all these management packs are from Microsoft.

    Now, when SQL is running under VCS, some of the discovery scripts of the Microsoft Discovery MP does not work and fails to discover the SQL objects under SFW-HA control correctly. This opens up a requirement to customize these scripts for VCS environment. Symantec SQL MP serves this purpose. Symantec SQL MP contains customized scripts which also works when SQL runs under VCS. When one imports the Symantec MP into SCOM Server database, it disables the original discovery and starts working with the customized discoveries. Once the SQL objects are discovered, Microsoft's Monitoring MP starts monitoring the SQL objects.

    Below is an example scenario of what you should see:

    SQL 2005 is clustered with VCS on Node1 and Node2. The lanman virtual name for SQL is VS.

    Expected behavior:

    •Node1 and Node2 should be seen under VCS State view.
    •VS should NOT be seen under VCS State View.
    •VS should be seen under SQL State View.
    •VS should be discovered as Agent-less managed computer.
    •All 3 computers Node1, Node2 and VS should be seen under “Windows Computer” / “Computers” view.

  • Daniel,

    We use the latest packs. No MOMhelper.exe. The rest seems logical.
    So if I understand correctly.... The Veritas MP overrules the SQL MP?


  • Glad to hear you are using the latest packs and the service and not the executable.


    As for your understanding or what our SQL MP does, I would say this is partially correct. While our SQL MP does disable some original discoveries, with the customized discoveries we add, there should not be any loss of functionality for SQL discovery. Our SQL MP should perform all of the regular items that the Microsoft SQL MP does plus additional discovery for SQL managed in an SFW-HA environment.

    Please do not hesitate to let me now if you have any other questions.
