Forum Discussion

Fugitive's avatar
Level 4
14 years ago

/system/llt in maintenance state

I have a 2 node cluster running VCS5.1. I added a new node to this cluster which was added succesfully. But the svcs -xv on the new node shows following

:/>svcs -xv
svc:/system/llt:default (Veritas Low Latency Transport (LLT) Init service)
 State: maintenance since Thu Jul 29 13:40:32 2010
Reason: Start method failed repeatedly, last exited with status 2.
   See: man -M /opt/VRTSllt/man/man1m/ -s 1M lltconfig
   See: /var/svc/log/system-llt:default.log
Impact: 3 dependent services are not running:

And log for it says this 

[ Jul 29 13:17:00 Method "start" exited with status 2 ]
[ Jul 29 13:40:32 Leaving maintenance because clear requested. ]
[ Jul 29 13:40:32 Enabled. ]
[ Jul 29 13:40:32 Executing start method ("/lib/svc/method/llt start") ]
silent failure
[ Jul 29 13:40:32 Method "start" exited with status 2 ]

due to which the gab memberships are not running properly .. what could be the reason for this and how can i resolve it ? 

hasys -state
#System    Attribute          Value
Node1  SysState           RUNNING
Node2  SysState           RUNNING
Node3  SysState           RUNNING

gabconfig -a
GAB Port Memberships
Port a gen   2d880e membership 012
Port b gen   2d880d membership 01
Port b gen   2d880d    visible ; 2
Port h gen   2d8811 membership 012

  • Yes,

    I just found it.

    If below entries are = 0 in /etc/default/llt, then it throws same errors you are recieving on your node.


    Pleas check above in /etc/default/llt or make them =1 and then try.


16 Replies

  • Yes,

    I just found it.

    If below entries are = 0 in /etc/default/llt, then it throws same errors you are recieving on your node.


    Pleas check above in /etc/default/llt or make them =1 and then try.


  • cat /etc/default/llt
    # This file is sourced :
    #       from /etc/init.d/llt            for Solaris < 2.10
    #       from /lib/svc/method/llt        for Solaris 2.10
    # Set the two environment variables below as follows:
    #       1 = start or stop llt
    #       0 = do not start or stop llt
  • Thanx Anoop,

    I didn't notice the last line .. i just re-read it again and got it working :-)

  • I believe you installed that 3rd node as single node in cluster and tried to configure manually by changing llt and gab files after making llt private links.

    However, if above is true, you could have try running installvcs script again with -addnode option to add this in multinode cluster.

    Anyways, Congrats !
