Forum Discussion

Ayes's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago


I have a VCS VVR iisue below and I have tried recovering the rvg and rattaching the rlink but not working :see below:

root@ojnbu2 # vradmin -g catalog_dg -l repstatus rvg_ojota
Replicated Data Set: rvg_ojota
  Host name:        
  RVG name:                   rvg_ojota
  DG name:                    catalog_dg
  RVG state:                  enabled for I/O (passthru)
  Data volumes:               1
  VSets:                      0
  SRL name:                   srlvol
  SRL size:                   150.00 G
  Total secondaries:          1
  Host name:        
  RVG name:                   rvg_ojota
  DG name:                    catalog_dg
  Rlink from Primary:         rlk_10.1.110.132_rvg_ojota
  Rlink to Primary:           rlk_10.1.230.172_rvg_ojota
  Configured mode:            asynchronous
  Latency protection:         off
  SRL protection:             autodcm
  Data status:                consistent, stale
  Replication status:         not replicating (primary needs recovery)
  Current mode:               N/A
  Logging to:                 N/A
  Timestamp Information:      N/A
  Bandwidth Limit:            N/A
  Compression Mode:           Off

  • Many thanks,


    I have frozen the service group with the catalog_dg and imported it manually .so VVR has started as below and the cluster has not deported it for 5mins now,still monitoring:



    oot@ojnbu2 # vradmin -g catalog_dg -l repstatus rvg_ojota
    Replicated Data Set: rvg_ojota
      Host name:        
      RVG name:                   rvg_ojota
      DG name:                    catalog_dg
      RVG state:                  enabled for I/O
      Data volumes:               1
      VSets:                      0
      SRL name:                   srlvol
      SRL size:                   150.00 G
      Total secondaries:          1
      Host name:        
      RVG name:                   rvg_ojota
      DG name:                    catalog_dg
      Rlink from Primary:         rlk_10.1.110.132_rvg_ojota
      Rlink to Primary:           rlk_10.1.230.172_rvg_ojota
      Configured mode:            asynchronous
      Latency protection:         off
      SRL protection:             autodcm
      Data status:                inconsistent
      Replication status:         resync in progress (smartsync autosync)
      Current mode:               asynchronous
      Logging to:                 DCM (contains  0  Kbytes) (autosync)
      Timestamp Information:      N/A
      Bandwidth Limit:            N/A
      Compression Mode:           Off
    Thanks for all.
    Guess uar an ASC as your skill so far had proven to me beyond reasonable doubt 

15 Replies

  • It fixed it but ther eis another issue resurfacing:


    The catalog_dg in the secidary host gets deported and throws the error below:

    I imported the diskgroup being replicated manually and the replicateion will start but after few mins it stops again  because the diskgroup gets deported again.

    See below:





    root@ojnbu2 # vradmin -g catalog_dg -l repstatus rvg_ojota
    Replicated Data Set: rvg_ojota
      Host name:        
      RVG name:                   rvg_ojota
      DG name:                    catalog_dg
      RVG state:                  enabled for I/O
      Data volumes:               1
      VSets:                      0
      SRL name:                   srlvol
      SRL size:                   150.00 G
      Total secondaries:          1
    Config Errors:               disk group missing
    Also on the secondary host see the below logs:
    root@iknbu3 # tail -f /var/VRTSvcs/log/engine_A.log
    2013/09/24 13:12:13 VCS WARNING V-16-10001-1038 (iknbu3) DiskGroup:nbu_dg:monitor:Disk attribute 'autoimport' is set to 'yes' for the disk group catalog_dg. Setting it to 'no'.
    2013/09/24 13:12:13 VCS ERROR V-16-10001-1036 (iknbu3) DiskGroup:nbu_dg:monitor:No SCSI3 reservations found on diskgroup catalog_dg
    2013/09/24 13:12:14 VCS WARNING V-16-10001-1032 (iknbu3) DiskGroup:nbu_dg:monitor:Offlining Group nbu_group to which DiskGroup resource catalog_dg belongs
    2013/09/24 13:12:14 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hagrp -offline -propagate nbu_group  iknbu3  from localhost
    2013/09/24 13:12:14 VCS INFO V-16-1-10299 Resource nbu_dg (Owner: Unspecified, Group: nbu_group) is online on iknbu3 (Not initiated by VCS)
    2013/09/24 13:12:14 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10233 Clearing Restart attribute for group nbu_group on all nodes
    2013/09/24 13:12:14 VCS ERROR V-16-1-50921 CONCURRENCY VIOLATION:Group nbu_group is online on the following clusters [ojnbuclu, iknbucl
    advice pls
  • How do we stop the cluster from deporting this catalog_dg after importing it manually may setting the attributes to maual outside of the cluster

  • Many thanks,


    I have frozen the service group with the catalog_dg and imported it manually .so VVR has started as below and the cluster has not deported it for 5mins now,still monitoring:



    oot@ojnbu2 # vradmin -g catalog_dg -l repstatus rvg_ojota
    Replicated Data Set: rvg_ojota
      Host name:        
      RVG name:                   rvg_ojota
      DG name:                    catalog_dg
      RVG state:                  enabled for I/O
      Data volumes:               1
      VSets:                      0
      SRL name:                   srlvol
      SRL size:                   150.00 G
      Total secondaries:          1
      Host name:        
      RVG name:                   rvg_ojota
      DG name:                    catalog_dg
      Rlink from Primary:         rlk_10.1.110.132_rvg_ojota
      Rlink to Primary:           rlk_10.1.230.172_rvg_ojota
      Configured mode:            asynchronous
      Latency protection:         off
      SRL protection:             autodcm
      Data status:                inconsistent
      Replication status:         resync in progress (smartsync autosync)
      Current mode:               asynchronous
      Logging to:                 DCM (contains  0  Kbytes) (autosync)
      Timestamp Information:      N/A
      Bandwidth Limit:            N/A
      Compression Mode:           Off
    Thanks for all.
    Guess uar an ASC as your skill so far had proven to me beyond reasonable doubt