Forum Discussion

nimicpula's avatar
Level 3
3 years ago


i configure vcs 2 nodes with vxfen.

more /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""

cluster test5 (
ProtocolNumber = 11000
SecureClus = 1
UseFence = SCSI3

system linux-hiwv (

system linux-miv2 (

group group4 (
SystemList = { linux-hiwv = 0, linux-miv2 = 1 }
AutoStartList = { linux-hiwv }

DiskGroup y (
DiskGroup = y

Mount mnt (
MountPoint = "/y"
BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/y/y4"
FSType = vxfs
FsckOpt = "-y"

mnt requires y

// resource dependency tree
// group group4
// {
// Mount mnt
// {
// DiskGroup y
// }
// }

group vxfen (
SystemList = { linux-hiwv = 0, linux-miv2 = 1 }
AutoFailOver = 0
Parallel = 1

CoordPoint coordpoint (
LevelTwoMonitorFreq = 5

Phantom RES_phantom_vxfen (

// resource dependency tree
// group vxfen
// {
// Phantom RES_phantom_vxfen
// CoordPoint coordpoint
// }


Is correct in vxdisk list to see fencing disk group unimported?

vxdisk list
aluadisk_0 auto:cdsdisk - (y4) online                   ->y4 disk coord group
aluadisk_1 auto:cdsdisk - (y4) online
aluadisk_2 auto:cdsdisk - (y4) online
aluadisk_6 auto:cdsdisk y1 y online
sda auto:none - - online invalid

Here seem that coord dg is online.

hares -state
#Resource Attribute System Value
RES_phantom_vxfen State linux-hiwv ONLINE
RES_phantom_vxfen State linux-miv2 ONLINE
coordpoint State linux-hiwv ONLINE
coordpoint State linux-miv2 ONLINE
mnt State linux-hiwv OFFLINE
mnt State linux-miv2 ONLINE
y State linux-hiwv OFFLINE
y State linux-miv2 ONLINE


  • the dg with the fecing devices (by default 3 luns) should have dg auto-import flag turned off and the dg should never be imported.

    Please follow VCS admin and installation guides to set up cluster fencing.

    • linuly's avatar
      Level 4

      this mean that vxfen process write direct in  disk found in /etc/vxfentab.right?

      • frankgfan's avatar

        devices listed on /etc/vxfentab are used for cluster node fencing registration, no data is wrtitten on to these devices.

        fencing reg info is held in the disk/lun electronics.