Forum Discussion

MTBGnome's avatar
9 years ago

DLO 8.0 Requesting logon from outside domain


Our folks travel a lot, and have recelntly been asked to login their credentials for the DLO 8.0 client when outside the domain. We realize, that by simply typing in their credentials, the request will go away, at least until their password is changed.

Is there a way to just get ride of the login prompt? We do not plan on using the Edge Server as of now.

Runing on Server 2012R2



  • This is expected behavior for the first lauch of the DLO Client.

    Verbatim -

    On the first launch client will not know whether BOI is enabled or not. It tries to go to BOI mode to get the BOI status from DB.
    So credentials wil be asked. 


  • Check if the BOI is enabled in the profile they are using


  • If you don't want used BOI, uncheck this option on the profile.

    For the first connexion, launch the DLO agent on your domain network, and normally at this level, the BOI is disabled.