DLO 8.0 SP2 to DLO 9.3 - Question about the DLO Client
Looking to upgrade my DLO. Does anyone know, do I have to upgrade my clients at the same time or will the DLO8 clients work with 9.3? This way it will give me time to upgrade the clients.
It would be nice if the DLO had a way to push the upgrade out to existing clients.
Hello Stan,
It is always advised to update all DLO Agents to the same version as the DLO Server, as you have to consider that the backups are being carried out by the client machines, writing direct to the storage. If there are changes in the Dedupe or BOI functionality in that version, the clients may not be writing data in a compatible format if the Agents have not been updated to that new functionality.
You mentioned about having the ability to 'Push' Agent upgrades to the clients, but the product does have that. Besides the Local Install, that would be carried out at the client itself, there are several ways the upgrade can be initiated remotely;
- Push Install from the DLO Admin console (individually or as a batch)
- Auto Upgrade feature (for Agents v8.0 SP3 and above), where notifications are sent to all clients and they acknowledge to upgrade.
- Send updates to the users via CommandLine utility (dlocommandu -update - publish)
I would recommend reviewing the 'Updating the Desktop Agent' section (Chapter 1; pages 54-57) of the DLO 9.3 Administrator's Guide for guidance on how to use these; https://www.veritas.com/content/support/en_US/doc/DLO_93_Admin .