Forum Discussion

1 Reply

  • Hi Ashish,

    Please follow the below steps:

    1.Disable all agents from server ( DLO Console->Tools->Options->Options->Check “Disable all Agents”).
    2.Take a backup of DLO DB files and NUDF if nudf is on the same server before upgarding OS.
    Note: If NUDF is on different server it is not required to be backed up.
    3.Now upgrade the OS.
    Note: After upgrading OS make sure hostname and IP should not change as SDLO agent will communicate with Admin Server using the IP/hostname.
    4.Now copy the old DLO data base files to C:\Program Files\Symantec\Symantec DLO\Data if you are installing SDLO 7.0 on default path, Or If you are installing SDLO 7.0 on customized path “(customized path)\data”).
    5. After installtion if  NUDF on the same machine then copy the backed up NUDF data onto the same location.
    6.After server installation enable all agents ( DLO Console->Tools->Options->Options->UnCheck “Disable all Agents”).

    Note:Before following above steps have database files(DLO.mdf,DLO_log.ldf) and NUDF(If it is on same machine) on safe location.

