Forum Discussion

devans3428's avatar
Level 4
14 years ago

Dynamic multipath using EMC storage Veritas 3.5

I am trying to setup multipathing with EMC Clariion.   The problem is that vxdisk list fabric_0 only shows one path.   The EMC array is in auto-trespass mode.   This is solaris 8 and format shows two paths.

# vxdisk list fabric_2
Device:    fabric_2
devicetag: fabric_2
type:      sliced
hostid:    ncsun1
disk:      name=disk05 id=1302111549.6037.ncsun1
group:     name=rootdg id=1072877341.1025.nc1
info:      privoffset=1
flags:     online ready private autoconfig autoimport imported
pubpaths:  block=/dev/vx/dmp/fabric_2s4 char=/dev/vx/rdmp/fabric_2s4
privpaths: block=/dev/vx/dmp/fabric_2s3 char=/dev/vx/rdmp/fabric_2s3
version:   2.2
iosize:    min=512 (bytes) max=2048 (blocks)
public:    slice=4 offset=0 len=1048494080
private:   slice=3 offset=1 len=32511
update:    time=1302111558 seqno=0.5
headers:   0 248
configs:   count=1 len=23969
logs:      count=1 len=3631
Defined regions:
 config   priv 000017-000247[000231]: copy=01 offset=000000 enabled
 config   priv 000249-023986[023738]: copy=01 offset=000231 enabled
 log      priv 023987-027617[003631]: copy=01 offset=000000 enabled
Multipathing information:
numpaths:   1
c10t500601613B241045d5s2        state=enabled


8. c10t500601613B241045d0 <DGC-RAID5-0428 cyl 63998 alt 2 hd 256 sec 64>

16. c16t500601603B241045d0 <DGC-RAID5-0428 cyl 63998 alt 2 hd 256 sec 64>

vxdisk -o alldgs list show both paths.  Two things here it should only show one of the paths and also the second path it shows with diskgroup in ( ).  Another issue is why the disk dont show up as EMC_0 or similiar.

*****The server has T3 connect and EMC which we are migrating from T3 to EMC.    The EMC is the fabric naming convention.

# vxdisk -o alldgs list
DEVICE       TYPE      DISK         GROUP        STATUS
T30_0        sliced    disk01       rootdg       online
T30_1        sliced    disk02       rootdg       online
T31_0        sliced    disk03       rootdg       online
T31_1        sliced    disk04       rootdg       online
T32_0        sliced    rootdg00     rootdg       online
T32_1        sliced    rootdg01     rootdg       online
c1t0d0s2     sliced    -            -            error
c1t1d0s2     sliced    -            -            error
fabric_0     sliced    -            -            error
fabric_1     sliced    -            -            error
fabric_2     sliced    disk05       rootdg       online
fabric_3     sliced    disk06       rootdg       online
fabric_4     sliced    disk07       rootdg       online
fabric_5     sliced    disk08       rootdg       online
fabric_6     sliced    disk09       rootdg       online
fabric_7     sliced    disk10       rootdg       online
fabric_8     sliced    -            -            error
fabric_9     sliced    -            -            error
fabric_10    sliced    -           (rootdg)      online
fabric_11    sliced    -           (rootdg)      online
fabric_12    sliced    -           (rootdg)      online
fabric_13    sliced    -           (rootdg)      online
fabric_14    sliced    -           (rootdg)      online
fabric_15    sliced    -           (rootdg)      online

Here is the ASL...There is no APM prior to version Veritas 4.0.

vxddladm listsupport

snippet for brevity.....              A/P          DGC          CLARiiON

The c10 and c16 are the paths for the EMC

# vxdmpadm listctlr all
c1              OTHER_DISKS     ENABLED      OTHER_DISKS
c10             OTHER_DISKS     ENABLED      OTHER_DISKS
c16             OTHER_DISKS     ENABLED      OTHER_DISKS

# vxdmpadm getsubpaths ctlr=c10
c10t500601613B241045d7s2 ENABLED        -        fabric_0     OTHER_DISKS  OTHER_DISKS
c10t500601613B241045d6s2 ENABLED        -        fabric_1     OTHER_DISKS  OTHER_DISKS
c10t500601613B241045d5s2 ENABLED        -        fabric_2     OTHER_DISKS  OTHER_DISKS
c10t500601613B241045d4s2 ENABLED        -        fabric_3     OTHER_DISKS  OTHER_DISKS
c10t500601613B241045d3s2 ENABLED        -        fabric_4     OTHER_DISKS  OTHER_DISKS
c10t500601613B241045d2s2 ENABLED        -        fabric_5     OTHER_DISKS  OTHER_DISKS
c10t500601613B241045d1s2 ENABLED        -        fabric_6     OTHER_DISKS  OTHER_DISKS
c10t500601613B241045d0s2 ENABLED        -        fabric_7     OTHER_DISKS  OTHER_DISKS
# vxdmpadm getsubpaths ctlr=c16
c16t500601603B241045d7s2 ENABLED        -        fabric_8     OTHER_DISKS  OTHER_DISKS
c16t500601603B241045d6s2 ENABLED        -        fabric_9     OTHER_DISKS  OTHER_DISKS
c16t500601603B241045d5s2 ENABLED        -        fabric_10    OTHER_DISKS  OTHER_DISKS
c16t500601603B241045d4s2 ENABLED        -        fabric_11    OTHER_DISKS  OTHER_DISKS
c16t500601603B241045d3s2 ENABLED        -        fabric_12    OTHER_DISKS  OTHER_DISKS
c16t500601603B241045d2s2 ENABLED        -        fabric_13    OTHER_DISKS  OTHER_DISKS
c16t500601603B241045d1s2 ENABLED        -        fabric_14    OTHER_DISKS  OTHER_DISKS
c16t500601603B241045d0s2 ENABLED        -        fabric_15    OTHER_DISKS  OTHER_DISKS

Thanks for any help

  • Ok here is an idea...If i add a smaller disk to rootdg and then remove the current disk from rootdg leaving the smaller disk in rootdg, think that will work?   If not we will just use rootdg as it is and put a filesystem on that dg. As you see there are no volumes in rootdg on the one disk.  Also before i got everything working i placed vxconfigd in disable mode "vxconfigd -k -m disable".  I then ran vxdctl enable and know if i do type "vxdctl mode" it shows it is enable.   Is it ok now to run stop vxconfigd and restart as normal "vxconfigd".   All the volumes are now enabled and fsck'd and filesystems are mounted.   If not we will just use rootdg as it is and create a volume and filesystem on that dg.  

    # vxprint -g data01 -v
    v  NB5.1_Client fsgen        ENABLED  2097152  -        ACTIVE   -       -
    v  NCFADS_Scripts fsgen      ENABLED  4194304  -        ACTIVE   -       -
    v  NDH_Home     fsgen        ENABLED  146800640 -       ACTIVE   -       -
    v  Perl_5.8.3   fsgen        ENABLED  2097152  -        ACTIVE   -       -
    v  Python_2.3.4 fsgen        ENABLED  2097152  -        ACTIVE   -       -
    v  Python_2.3.4_Beta fsgen   ENABLED  1048576  -        ACTIVE   -       -
    v  SAS_ODBC     fsgen        ENABLED  4194304  -        ACTIVE   -       -
    v  SAS82        fsgen        ENABLED  4194304  -        ACTIVE   -       -
    v  SybData2     fsgen        ENABLED  12582912 -        ACTIVE   -       -
    v  Sybase12V5   fsgen        ENABLED  8388608  -        ACTIVE   -       -
    v  archive      gen          ENABLED  8388608  -        ACTIVE   -       -
    v  home         gen          ENABLED  8388608  -        ACTIVE   -       -
    v  java         fsgen        ENABLED  3145728  -        ACTIVE   -       -
    v  mfserver     gen          ENABLED  2097152  -        ACTIVE   -       -
    v  ncdss        gen          ENABLED  629145600 -       ACTIVE   -       -
    v  ncusers      fsgen        ENABLED  314572800 -       ACTIVE   -       -
    v  nharch       gen          ENABLED  4194304  -        ACTIVE   -       -
    v  sasprod      gen          ENABLED  125829120 -       ACTIVE   -       -
    v  sastemp      gen          ENABLED  41943040 -        ACTIVE   -       -
    v  sas8         gen          ENABLED  2097152  -        ACTIVE   -       -
    v  sas81        gen          ENABLED  2097152  -        ACTIVE   -       -
    v  sybdebug     fsgen        ENABLED  5242880  -        ACTIVE   -       -
    v  sybtest      fsgen        ENABLED  12582912 -        ACTIVE   -       -

    # vxdisk list
    DEVICE       TYPE      DISK         GROUP        STATUS
    Disk_0       sliced    disk01       rootdg       online
    Disk_1       sliced    -            -            error
    Disk_2       sliced    disk05       data01       online
    Disk_3       sliced    disk06       data01       online
    Disk_4       sliced    disk07       data01       online
    Disk_5       sliced    disk08       data01       online
    Disk_6       sliced    disk09       data01       online
    Disk_7       sliced    disk10       data01       online

    Any final thoughts here?