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Ali_G's avatar
Level 4
8 years ago

Case restore question

Quick question on Clearwell case backups. Here is what I've tried:

1. In Clearwell on Appliance-1 created a case backup of "Case-A" (version 8.2 CHF4)

2. Copied case backup files to Appliance-2 (version 8.2 CHF4)

3. In Clearwell on Appliance-2 restored "Case-A" backup

first noticed Case Home - Details tab items did not get restored (such as description, type, key dates)

Also noticed, Collections within the case did not get restored either.

Is there a process to backup / restore a Collection from one appliance to another?

Thank You



  • Hello Ali_G,

    The Details in a Case should be there when a Case is restored. You may want to open a support case for this to find out if this is a known issue. I've not heard of it in my tavels. 

    Either the Case and Colleciton were disassociated or the Collection that was assocatied with Case-A isn't on Appliance-2 or in the same cluster as Appliance-1.  

    • If the Collection isn't on Appliance-2, then you'll need to restore it there and reassociate it with Case-A
    • If the Collection is on Appliance-2, you'll need to simply reassociate it with Case-A

    Note: See screen shots below for more info on how to reassociate a Collection with a Case. Remember -- Cases and Collections are only associations of each other and this association is found under the Collection setttings.

    Collection Settings





    Case Association 

  • Hello Ali_G,

    The Details in a Case should be there when a Case is restored. You may want to open a support case for this to find out if this is a known issue. I've not heard of it in my tavels. 

    Either the Case and Colleciton were disassociated or the Collection that was assocatied with Case-A isn't on Appliance-2 or in the same cluster as Appliance-1.  

    • If the Collection isn't on Appliance-2, then you'll need to restore it there and reassociate it with Case-A
    • If the Collection is on Appliance-2, you'll need to simply reassociate it with Case-A

    Note: See screen shots below for more info on how to reassociate a Collection with a Case. Remember -- Cases and Collections are only associations of each other and this association is found under the Collection setttings.

    Collection Settings





    Case Association 

  • Hello Ali_G,

    Information contained under the case "Details" tab are Server/Cluster specific. An Example would be 'Access Groups'. eDP Appliance 1 belongs to organization A while eDP Appliance 2 belongs to organization B. The Access Groups would not be the same across different organizations; so "Details" is not backed up.
    - Copy / Insert the pertinent information from the Appliance 1 to Appliance 2.

    Collection Sets/Tasks data is not part of a case backup.
    If the Collection Sets/Tasks are no longer in the location where they were, when processed into the case,
    the Advanced Suport Feature 'Collection Locator Modifier' utility can be used to point the Sets and Tasks to the new location.
    ** Please use this utility with caution.

    eDiscovery Backline TSE