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JimmyClearwell's avatar
8 years ago

eDiscovery Platform 8.3 General Availability

Hello Everybody, 

I am pleased to announce the General Availability of eDiscovery Platform 8.3 as of June 5, 2017. 

This is a minor release that incorporates all previous Maintenance Packs and Fixes since the prior Major Release. It is tied to the preceding Major Release and may contain new features, new platform support, new operating system support, and the latest maintenance updates.  

Some of the highlights of the release include the following: 


Customers are bringing together many sensitive documents from across their organization into eDiscovery Platform making security paramount. eDiscovery Platform 8.3 benefits from many security enhancements including third party component updates, password management utility and the removal of older and insecure protocols and ciphers. 

 Improved Resilience to Messy Data  

eDiscovery is a fairly unique market where the type and profile of data that the software needs to interact with can vary greatly.  From the latest data types back to historical formats rarely encountered outside of eDiscovery.  From tiny files through to extremely large and complex file types. Often with some corrupt or encrypted data thrown in for good measure. An eDiscovery solution is expected to gracefully handle any situation. 

eDiscovery Platform 8.3 includes enhancements to help deal with these scenarios through the processing of data all the way to the export of the content at the end of the process.  Customers can be confident they can meet their deadlines with the Veritas eDiscovery Platform.   

Backup Often, Stay Protected 

With tight deadlines, customers are regularly working around the clock with little time available for system maintenance such as backing up cases and protecting against data loss.  With the eDiscovery Platform version 8.3, the backup and restore times for cases has been improved by up to 70% allowing case work to be protected with minimal user downtime.  

Streamlined De-Duplication for Upgraded Cases 

In prior releases, new data processed into cases created in older versions would not de-duplicate against previously processed data, resulting in potentially higher review costs. eDiscovery Platform 8.3, a support feature has been added that ensures that de-duplication occurs as expected.  

Global Legal Hold Report 

Legal teams may be dealing with 10’s or hundreds of different cases at any one time.  Keeping track of custodians involved across all these cases can be a large time consuming task in itself. 

To simplify this process, the eDiscovery Platform 8.3 introduces Global Legal Hold reports to allow senior Legal representatives to easily keep updated on the overall status for their organization and help ensure compliance to their legal obligations. 

As with any upgrade, please first refer to the upgrade support documents:   


Attached are the eDiscovery Platform 8.3 Release Notes for your review. Documentation is available online eDiscovery Platform 8.3 Documentation 

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