Forum Discussion

Michael_Blizzar's avatar
14 years ago

SQL Retry Logic

Hello All, In version 6.0, Netbackup had introduced retry logic for sql.  Where if there are 500 instances of sql to be backed up and it failes for what ever reason, it would pick up from the failure...
  • Will_Restore's avatar
    14 years ago

    Automatic retry of unsuccessful backups

    NetBackup for SQL Server provides the following options to retry unsuccessful

    backup attempts.

    NetBackup for SQL Server keeps track of the unsuccessful backups

    that may have resulted from the execution of a batch file. When the

    initial backup attempt is complete, the agent rewrites the batch file,

    including only those operations that failed. The rewritten batch file

    is launched automatically.

    Automatic retry

    Amanual retry is similar to an automatic retry except that NetBackup

    does not launch the rewritten batch file. Instead it is written to the

    install_path\dbext\mssql\retry\ directory. The user can then

    choose when to run the new batch file.

    Manual retry

    To use automatic retry, add the following line to your batch file.


    By default, the unsuccessful backups are retried one time automatically after 60

    seconds. To change the delay following the unsuccessful attempt, then add the

    following to your batch file.


    You can also specify the number of retries. Add the following to your batch file.

    NUMRESTARTS <1 to 9>.

    To use manual retry, add the following line to your batch file.


    Retry may also be used with file checkpoints. You can create the batch file so that

    any parts of the operation that fail are written to a new batch file that can be

    launched either automatically or manually.

    See File checkpointingon page 118.

    You can easily enable file checkpointing with automatic retry in the backup dialog

    in the NetBackup for SQL Server graphical user interface. Simply select a single

    database (or filegroup), then from the "Resume options for this selection" list,

    select Save work and restart at point of failure.

    This action creates a batch file that contains the following scripting:




    MAXRESTARTSETS 32 means that up to 32 pieces are backed up independently. The

    keywords RESTARTWAITSECONDS and NUMRESTARTS are synonymous with the




    These keywords indicates the following things: first, that an automatic retry is

    launched after 60 seconds for all of the pieces that failed to get backed up on the

    first time. Second, the restart is attempted only one time. You can manually change

    either of these parameters.

    In addition, you can choose to not have the retry script automatically launched.

    Replace the NUMRETRIES command with RETRYTYPE MANUAL.




    When manual retry is enabled, the generated batch file for the components that

    were unsuccessfully backed up is written to the following folder:

    NB_INSTALL\dbext\mssql\temp folder

    Note: All of the keyword-value pairs that are described in this topic are only

    permitted in the first operation of the batch file.