Forum Discussion

UFO's avatar
Level 6
14 years ago

Promos for Symantec SCS or STS certification?

Reading through Connect forums and blogs I have found a lot of questions like: What are the areas of questions on this or this certification exam?

My personal experience tells me that there's no better way to know than just try to pass te exam. When you have got NOT PASSED you get also the list of areas where you have good or poor knowledge.

On the other hand, people who want to get Certified are confused and frightened sometimes - 'what if I will not pass the exam and fail my investment in it?'

Well, here comes question: Does Symantec provide special offer like Microsoft's 'second Shot'? (you can have second attempt to pass exam for free if you fail the first one)

  • Hi Volo,

    I am not aware of any promos like that but there are plenty of ways of achieving low-cost (or even free) training to prepare yourself for the exams & it looks like you have discovered most of them already!

    It's good to see you actively using SymConnect - I hope it is useful to you even if you do sometimes find yourself answering your own questions! :-)

    Kind regards,


3 Replies

  • I have some e-mailing on this topic with my colleagues. If there are some promos - only local ones. Most of these local promos are being made by local learning centers. So there's no global promo. Closing this thread.

  • Hi Volo,

    I am not aware of any promos like that but there are plenty of ways of achieving low-cost (or even free) training to prepare yourself for the exams & it looks like you have discovered most of them already!

    It's good to see you actively using SymConnect - I hope it is useful to you even if you do sometimes find yourself answering your own questions! :-)

    Kind regards,


  • It seems like no promos...

    I was looking through Symantec web-site and didn't find anything. I just wonder - is it only me who wants to get certified at low cost or rather with low risk?

    Wierd to answer your own discussion...