Forum Discussion

benspickard's avatar
Community Manager
10 months ago

VOX Platform Upcoming Updates

Hello VOX Community,

Thank you for supporting VOX by continuously contributing discussions, questions, and kudos to our vibrant community. Over the next few weeks, VOX will undergo a series of updates, allowing the community experience to become streamlined and easier to use. These updates include archiving boards with little to no activity over the past few years and upgrading the VOX system UI.

The following boards will be changed to read-only over the next few weeks because they pertain to outdated products and/or have had little to no board activity over the past two years. Read-only allows all posts and boards to be searchable, but the boards will not show up in the click-down menu nor allow new discussion posts. We hope this restructuring will enable quicker responses and easier access to essential conversations on all discussion posts in our community. If you have a discussion post relevant to any achieved boards, please direct your post to another relevant board or the General Veritas Board under Community Insights.

Boards to be changed to read-only:

  • NetBackup Puredisk
  • NetBackup Realtime
  • Online Storage for Backup Exec
  • Replication Exec
  • ApplicationHA
  • DMP & DMP for VMware
  • Veritas Risk Advisor
  • Advanced Supervision
  • Discovery Accelerator

In addition to the board restructuring, VOX will undergo a UI upgrade in partnership with our third-party community platform. This update will change VOX's appearance but not impact any posts or data in the current community. Some minor changes will be noticed during this upgrade, such as changing profile labels and nomenclature adjustments. An upcoming community post will share more details about these specific upgrades.

If you have any questions about these upcoming changes to the community, please DM me on VOX or message me on LinkedIn here.

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