Forum Discussion

MSI_iqbal's avatar
Level 5
6 years ago

Infoscale command information


I need to know if there is a way how to track which disk with UDID is which drive/mount point?

I have this exisiting environment with oracle server have storage cluster using infoscale storage foundation but i dont have any information all about the configuration or disk assignment. anyone can help? 

  • Marianne's avatar
    6 years ago


    If you show us output from your environment, we will be able to explain a lot better. 

    Firstly, look at output of 'df -h'. 
    Find the mountpoint that you are interested in. 
    The volume name and diskgroup will be on the left (as per Apurv_Barve's example).
    Yours will look different - what you need to look for are the last 2 'entries' :

    Next, show us output of 
    vxprint -ht <diskgroup> 

    vxdisk -e list 
    will show us how VxVM disk-name is linked to OS device name. 

    If the whole concept of 'diskgroup' , VxVM disk-name, volumes, subdisk, etc are new to you, maybe best to ask your company to send you on 5-day Instructor-led training (virtual or classroom). 

    As a Partner, you may also want to see what free training is available on PartnerNet. 

    In the meantime, please download Storage Foundation Administrator's Guide from here:

    Please read through these sections (especially Chapter 3): 

    Introducing Storage Foundation
    ■ Chapter 1. Overview of Storage Foundation
    ■ Chapter 2. How Dynamic Multi-Pathing works
    Chapter 3. How Veritas Volume Manager works
    ■ Chapter 4. How Veritas File System works


5 Replies

  • Hi,

    You can run following commands to identify which LUN maps to which mount point. I am pasting a sample example:

    # vxdg list
    sfsdg enabled,shared,cds 1546341021.293.b4u2
    # mount | grep sfsdg
    /dev/vx/dsk/sfsdg/stripevol on /vx/vol1 type vxfs (rw,mntlock=VCS,cluster,crw,delaylog,largefiles,ioerror=mdisable)

    vxprint -g sfsdg

    v stripevol fsgen ENABLED 209715200 - ACTIVE - -
    pl stripevol-01 stripevol ENABLED 209715200 - ACTIVE - -
    sd b4u4003_disk_137-01 stripevol-01 ENABLED 52428800 0 - - -
    sd b4u2000_disk_4-01 stripevol-01 ENABLED 52428800 0 - - -
    sd b4u6005_disk_93-02 stripevol-01 ENABLED 52428800 0 - - -
    sd b4u5004_disk_93-02 stripevol-01 ENABLED 52428800 0 - - -

    # vxdisk -e list b4u4003_disk_137
    b4u4003_disk_137 auto:cdsdisk b4u4003_disk_137 sfsdg online shared sdq -

    # vxdisk list b4u4003_disk_137 | grep -i udid
    udid: SEAGATE%5FST10000NM0096%5FDISKS%5F5000C500A64A5F88

    So, here disk device "sdq" is represented as "b4u4003_disk_137" in VxVM and is part of a stripe volume "stripevol" which is mounted at "/vx/vol1".

    • MSI_iqbal's avatar
      Level 5


      Thanks for your explaination, i just want to clarify

      so the LUN is mounted in /dev/vx/dsk/sfsdg/stripevol before it was assigned by infoscale, /vx/vol1 is mounted after its is assigned, sdq is UDID, b4u4003_disk_137 is a?



      • Apurv_Barve's avatar
        Level 3


        sdq is OS disk device.

        b4u4003_disk_137 is VxVM representation of OS disk device sdq.

        /dev/vx/dsk/sfsdg/stripevol is VxVM volume. It is stripe type of volume created using 4 disks - one of it is b4u4003_disk_137(sdq).

        /vx/vol1 is the directory where the VxVM volume is mounted on.

        UDID of device b4u4003_disk_137(sdq) is SEAGATE%5FST10000NM0096%5FDISKS%5F5000C500A64A5F88.