Forum Discussion

Flemming_J1's avatar
15 years ago

Puredisk 7.0 Orphaned backups cannot be removed

Hi forum,

I'm running NBU 7.0 on Windows 2003 and Puredisk on my mediaserver.

Until a few days ago I have been running my backups to puredisk but suddenly there was not enough storage left. I decided to clean out by duplication backups to tape media making the duplicate the new primary image. After that, I expired the backups on my PDDE-storage. However, I still have the problem. The expirered images cannot be found in the catalog search and the primary images on tape are still copy #2. My 5TB PDDE-storage is cludged up with orphaned data that I cannot remove from that admin interface. Is it somehow possible to clean up my PDDE-storage (without removing puredisk) ?

Kind regards,

PS. Running out of tapes now

2 Replies

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  • Have you tried to stop all backups, and run PDDO Data removal policy, Garbage Collection policy and MB cleanup 2-3 times? The combination should potentially be able to clean up unused/deferenced blocks.

    Your tape copy will always remain copy #2, but marked as primary. Expired images (if you wrote right) cannot be seen in Catalog, this is sort of expected. But if you mean that they still are listed, then you have to look at the image cleanup job, and see if it reports errors. If bpdbm cannot expire, then you have an inconsistency. You can enable PDDO logging by altering the pd.conf file (NetBackup\bin\ost-plugins\pd.conf) and uncomment the logging part. This way you can see what pdvfs reports.

    SYMC support can also assist, once the images that cannot be expired has been identified, a custom SQL script can be generated to remove references on the PD system. Then a re-run of above PD policies would clean up.
