Forum Discussion

stwali005's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

Puredisk system state job never runs

Hi All, new to Puredisk. For a long time now the system state and services backup never runs.

It starts with "Prepare Backup Client Side" - and says "Aborted by Watchdog"

Job 49846: Aborted by Watchdog window exceeded
 *** Supportability Summary ***
jobid                 = 49846
jobstepid             = 230403
agentid               = 8
hostname              = xxxxxxxxxxxx
starttimejobstep      = March 19, 2013, 4:04 am
endtimejobstep        = March 19, 2013, 4:04 am
workflowstepname      = PrepareBackup
status                = ABORTED_BY_WATCHDOG


I have checked the policy and its is set to:

Escalate warning after 6 hours

Escalate error and terminate after 5 days.

Any ideas why it is failing?

1 Reply

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    Start Date 20-Mar-2013 04:01:35
    Finish Date 20-Mar-2013 04:01:35
    Job Record Creation Date 19-Mar-2013 19:00:01
    Job Record Modification Date 20-Mar-2013 04:01:35
    Policy Daily-System-State-Backup


    Events 0 successes, 0 warnings and 1 errors
    Error Escalation Date: -

    Again it starts at 19:00 as per the policy - nothing happens till 4am where it is aborted immediately?

    Any more logs i can look at for more info?