Forum Discussion

Vickie's avatar
Level 6
11 years ago

<8> bpbkar process_file: WRN - /dev/ttyrc is a character special file

Hi All,   I am getting below error during backup of Unix client.   Details :   Master server OS : Windows2008 Master Server NBU Version :   NBU Client OS : HP-UX, B.11.31, i...
  • revarooo's avatar
    11 years ago

    That's because you don't need to backup /dev files. They are recreated when you install the OS anyway so there is no point backing them up and they are character special files (not text or binary)

    set-up a /usr/openv/netbackup/exclude_list and add /dev to it - this will then skip trying to back them up.

    Also add /proc to your exclude_list too.


    Here is a useful Technote:

    Excluding files from backup. Addendum to VERITAS NetBackup System Administrator's Guide for UNIX and Linux, Volume 1

    /dev/ is not mentioned here, but exclude it in your exclude_list file and re-run the backup