Forum Discussion

stevenfoo's avatar
Level 4
13 years ago

(21) socket open failed

master/media server: NB (windows 2008 R2)

client: hp-ux 11.23 (with NB client 6.5)

while trying to connect we encounter (21) socket open failed.

we taken several forum steps to resolved the issue but could not.

at last we remove the client and other the other stuff of veritas and the reinstall again. it was working after that after more than half a day.


9 Replies

  • This is usually a host name comparision error connected to DNS or similar.

    Perhaps when you re-installed the Server list in the bp.conf for the client was different (no longer using FQDN or vice-versa)

    It is also always worth checking your hosts files

    It is also possible that by uninstalling you removed the clients host name cache and so it was created afresh

    If there are any DNS or network issues you can flush this manually on any Master, Media or Client using:

    /usr/opnv/netbackup/bin/bpclntcmd -clear_host_cache

    or equivalent path for Windows

    by creating the /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bpcd/ folder the casue of the issue will usually be shown in the logs created in that directory

    Hope this helps

  • Have you added hosts entries on master server for client and on the client for the master?
    Have you verified that SERVER name in client's bp.conf corresponds with master's hostname in /etc/hosts?

    Have you verified that port 13724 is open in both directions?

    Please do the following:

    Create bpcd folder on client under /usr/openv/netbackup/logs

    On master, do the following from cmd (remember to Run as Administrator):
    ...\veritas\netbackup\bin\admincmd\bptestbpcd -client <client-name> -verbose

    If you have separate media servers, repeat the test on each media server.


    Please post client's bpcd log as well as bptestbpcd output.

  • /etc/hosts /etc/services /etc/inetd.conf bp.conf are all fined.

    /usr/opnv/netbackup/bin/bpclntcmd -clear_host_cache  ==> does not work

    restart ==> does not work

    all ports are open

    Have tried all the information that you all suggested. Nothing works.

    Have reinstall it and it's working. That's the final step and easier step to take without going those headache.

  • "Have reinstall it and it's working."

    Then something was wrong with initial installation.

  • not too sure, we have 3 hp-ux 11.23 servers, all were installed using the same steps. only 1 is having the error. may be something have corrupt some of the files.

  • If you still have any in this state then please post the bpcd log

    Just to be clear was this thread a question (based on you still having clients in that state) or are you just making a point that the issue had happened.

    Just need to see how we can best help you out here.


  • mrk & marianne,

    thanks for the all the effort to help. anyway it is fine now. by installing as mention it help to resolved the issue.

  • Verify the Client is communicating properly:
        * bpclncmd -ip <ip address> –> from both client and server
        * bpclntcmd -hn <hostname> –> from both client and server
        * bpclntcmd -pn –> from client only


    y check the /etc/hosts y el /etc/resolv.conf in the two machine