8.2 replication improvements ?
These days we do a LOT of replication between Masters (and sites).
1) What improvements have been made in v8.2 to the replication process ?
2) Are we going to FINALLY be able to limit the number of replication streams from a given SLP ? From a given Media Server ? Or are we going to continue to spawn streams like we do today until each stream is crawling at 32k/sec because of disk I/O and/or WAN bandwidth exhaustion ?
3) Load balancing replication targets between sites is a huge pain, and updating in-process SLP images to point to the new location instead of the old full one is some pretty ugly CLI syntax. Plus having to do that regularly doesn't do our dedup percentages any favors. Are there any improvements in v8.2 that will help cut down on all the manual hand-holding we have to do with this today ? Replication Groups or such ?
No changes have been made to the replication process.
We have added the ability “share” an image using cloud catalyst, however. Its a powerful capability wherein you standup a temporary master server for DR, and configure a CC storage server using the existing S3 container.
Then you can browse the images in that container and import directly (using the AIR “fast import”) to the catalog for recovery operations