Forum Discussion

bharatgangawane's avatar
9 years ago

A file or directory in the path name does not exist....

Dear All , 

I am gettiing an error "TRV - Cannot process path"  & "status: 71: None of the files mentioned in the file list exist or may not be accessible"

As i checked on client the mount point is present on server /oracle/archive. when i taking a bcakup mentioning the all local drive and only /oralce the backup get completed sucessfully. 

But when i mentioned the /oracle/archive then backup failing with the above error. 


Thanks in Advance.


  • Thanks Ashok , We select the cross mount point and backup completed sucessfully.



8 Replies

  • Can you actually change directory to /oracle/archive on the client?

    Can we see the file selection in your policy when it doesn't work?

    Also check if you have a /usr/openv/netbackup/exclude* files on the client and check the contents don't include /oracle/archive


  • Dear Revaroo , 

    I did not change the drectory on client. As i mentioned when i mentione the all local drive the bcakup completing without error.

    ther is no exclude list.



  • When u mention backup is completing without error,Is it backing up /oracle/archive folder as well...Check this from restore window..As per my guess that might be a different file system..if that is the case u need to select cross mount points in policy attributes to backup that folder...However please paste the bpplinfo command ouput for this policy to check further

    bppllist <policyname> -L -U

  • Thanks Ashok , We select the cross mount point and backup completed sucessfully.



  • Please show us the policy details : bppllist ( policy-name ) -U As well as output of these commands on the client: bpmount (in /usr/openv/netbackup/bin) and df -h Sometimes we need a second pair of eyes. If you scroll up, you can see how easy it is to make a typo error. Two typo errors over here: " ... when i taking a bcakup mentioning the all local drive and only /oralce ....."
  • Please check the content from restore window as well..As marianne said it is always better to double check things

  • Beware with 'cross mount points' if you are using ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES on a *nix box - you could end up backing up filesystems more than envisaged : once for each filesystem, then once again for each filesystem that is traversed depending upon where the mount point is actually located.

    e.g. although you seem to be having issues getting one backup for this filesystem, this particular filesystem could potentially get backed up 3 times: once 'as itself', once via the /oracle/archive mountpoint when backing up the /oracle filesystem and once via that same mount point when backing up the / filesystem due to the cross-mount-points being checked.

    If this file system was not picked up previously with ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES then is it not a locally mounted filesystem?

    Have a read of the following and the links contained therein regarding


  • You need to change the solution to Ashoks post, not your own!!