Forum Discussion

Tauhid's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

A pending request has been generated for this resource request.

Dear All,

I've facing a problem with the title above.

I remove a tape media 1151L3 and add a new tape media 1160L3 on that slot.

Then I perform inventory robot with options 'Empty media access port prior to update'.

New tape 1160L3 attached to TLD replacing 1151L3.


old media 1151L3 goes to standalone

New media assign to previous volume pool OracleDBPool.

When run the job it successfully backup at tapemedia 1160L3.

But There is a additional job run which shows "A pending request has been generated for this resource request.
  Operator action may be required" at active monitor which as follows


3/3/2015 12:57:36 PM - begin Media Contents
3/3/2015 12:57:37 PM - started process bptm (6724)
3/3/2015 12:57:37 PM - started process bptm (6724)
3/3/2015 12:57:37 PM - mounting 1151L3
3/3/2015 12:57:37 PM - requesting resource 1151L3
3/3/2015 12:57:37 PM - granted resource 1151L3
3/3/2015 12:57:37 PM - granted resource HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.003
3/3/2015 12:57:40 PM - Error bptm(pid=6724) error requesting media, TpErrno = Robot operation failed
3/3/2015 12:57:40 PM - current media 1151L3 complete, requesting next resource HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.003:OracleDBPool:1151L3
3/3/2015 12:57:45 PM - awaiting resource HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.003:OracleDBPool:1151L3 A pending request has been generated for this resource request.
  Operator action may be required. Pending Action: Misplaced tape.,
  Media ID: 1151L3, Barcode: LT1151L3, Density: hcart3, Access Mode: Read,
  Action Drive Name: N/A, Action Media Server: N/A, Robot Number: 0, Robot Type: TLD,
  Volume Group: 000_00000_TLD, Action Acs: N/A, Action Lsm: N/A

3/4/2015 4:42:01 PM - Error bptm(pid=6724) NBJM returned an extended error status: LTID reset media server resources (909)
3/4/2015 4:42:01 PM - Error nbjm(pid=1908) NBU status: 909, EMM status: LTID reset media server resources


I can't not suspend or cancel thatjob

Can anybody help me

  • Nicolai, I think you are almost correct, but we both misssed the very first line of output:

    3/3/2015 12:57:36 PM - begin Media Contents

    Someone (or something) issued the bpmedialist command to create a report of the contents of that media ID:

    The Media Contents report lists the contents of media as read directly from the
    media. It lists the backup IDs that are on a single media ID. It does not list each
    individual file.

    So,Tauhid, someone else (or a script of some sort) seems to be running reports of tape contents.  that would be why you had a mount request for a tape that is no longer in the robot.

9 Replies

  • I will guess that you don't have a scratch pool defined in your setup, and that there is still some empty space on LT1151L3.  I think you have a backup initiated by Oracle agent, and it needs to write more data and NetBackup knows that there is free space on the original tape, but it can't find it in the robot anymore.  It is probably timing out waiting from 12:57 until 4:42 for the tape to be mounted.

    Do you have any available scratch tapes in your tape library?

  • I think there is a a restore request for the tape:

    Operator action may be required. Pending Action: Misplaced tape.,
    Media ID: 1151L3, Barcode: LT1151L3, Density: hcart3, Access Mode: Read,
    Action Drive Name: N/A, Action Media Server: N/A, Robot Number: 0, Robot Type: TLD

  • Nicolai, I think you are almost correct, but we both misssed the very first line of output:

    3/3/2015 12:57:36 PM - begin Media Contents

    Someone (or something) issued the bpmedialist command to create a report of the contents of that media ID:

    The Media Contents report lists the contents of media as read directly from the
    media. It lists the backup IDs that are on a single media ID. It does not list each
    individual file.

    So,Tauhid, someone else (or a script of some sort) seems to be running reports of tape contents.  that would be why you had a mount request for a tape that is no longer in the robot.

  • Ron is right. Look for a command with these parameters: bpmedialist -mcontents and kill it.
  • Ron is right. 

    one time I search for a media contents of 1151L3 from GUI, that is removed from tape library.

    According to Marianne I run the comand:

    bpmedialist -mcontents -m 1151L3

    Result: Nothing

    How I kill it.



  • I don't have a Windows server running NetBackup, but I would expect you would have to log on to the master server, find it in the Windows Task manager, and cancel it from there.  You could also try stopping/restarting NetBackup, or even reboot the server if that doesn't fix it.

  • It is 6 days later. Are you still seeing the pending request? Have you tried to 'deny ' the request from Device Monitor? (not the Device tab in Activity Monitor) . If you have run a Media Contents report, it will run a bpmedialist in the background which can be seen in Task Manager. See if it shows up in bpps output or Task Manager.
  • Thanks Ron and marianne.

    I've done this by start and stopping  netbackup service and performing the following task 


    1. When there are no backup or restore jobs running, stop all NetBackup services/daemons on the master server

    2. Delete any files with 397084 (hanged job id) in the name from the /usr/openv/netbackup/db/jobs/trylogs/ and /usr/openv/netbackup/db/jobs/ffilelogs/ directories on the master server (the \veritas\netbackup\db\jobs\trylogs and \veritas\netbackup\db\jobs\ffilelogs directories on a Windows master server).

    3. Delete the /usr/openv/netbackup/db/jobs/bpjobd.act.db file (the \veritas\netbackup\db\jobs\bpjobd.act.db file on a Windows master server)

    4. Restart the NetBackup services/daemons




    I think It can be easily done by Killing the process from windows task manager suggested by both of you.

    Many Many Thanks.

  • I have marked Ron's post as solution as he correctly identified the cause. Next time, rather use Images on Media report. It does not need to read contents on tthe tape. Just what is recorded in NBU catalogs.