Forum Discussion

Stanleyj's avatar
Level 6
7 years ago

adding 8.1 certificates to multiple masters for trust relationships

 I have 2 datacenters one is primary and one is a hot site for Diseaster recovery.  Primary datacenter has 1 windows master and one 5230 appliance media server. DR site has 1 5230 setup as a master...
  • binayb's avatar
    7 years ago

    Yes, you can add certificates from the other master to the client. I came across this same issue and I was able to fix by doing the below -

    on client run nbcertcmd -getCACertificate -server <second_master> 

    nbcertcmd -displayCACertDetail -server <second_master>  output should show as trusted.

    Next check host ID by running - 

    nbcertcmd -hostselfcheck -server  <second_master> output should say host ID not revoked. If it says certificates doesnt exist then run -

    nbcertcmd -hostselfcheck -server <second_master>

    After this I was able to complete my restore. Restart nbu services on client if required.