Forum Discussion

giri_b's avatar
Level 4
15 years ago

Adding new media server to an existing master cum media server

Hi all,

        We currently have a single master cum media server running netbackup 7 in our environment. We would like to add a new media server to this environment so that both the servers act as media servers. How this task can be accomplished. We use an IBM TS3200 tapelibrary and a sepaton VTL.




  • 1. Install NetBackup server software on the new server.

    2. Install the latest patch.

    3. Make sure the bp.conf (registry) on the new media server has the name of the master

    server. And the master server's bp.conf has name of the new media server.

    4. Add the new media server to master servers EMM DB using the following

    nbemmcmd -addhost -machinename -machinetype media -masterserver  -netbackupversion 6.5 -operatingsystem windows

    6. Also add the alias using the nbemmcmd command.

    7. Create a new storage unit for the new media server.

    8. Recycle the master server daemons

    9. Create the tape devices on the media server or run "Dev config wizard"

    10. Create policies/schedules to use this new storage unit.


    1. From master server check if the media server is able to ping

    2. Check if the media server is able to resolve

    3. Issue command bptestbpcd –client <registered media server> -verbose to test the connectivity

    4. Issue command bpgetconfig –s <registered media server>.  This command will list the netbackup version installed on the media server.  Check if it is proper

    5. Issue command bpclntcmd –hn <registered media server name> to check if the host name is resolving correct IP in netbackup.

    6. Note down the IP from step 5 and issue command bpclntcmd –ip <registered media server ip> to check if the ip is resolving to correct hostname in netbackup.

    7. From media server issue command bpclntcmd –pn to check if the its communicating to and back from master server

    8. From media server issue nbemmcmd –getemmserver to check if the media server is able to connect to EMM database in master server.

    Note: For this command to execute successfully the host name given at the time of installation, the host name which is register in the master server, the host name mentioned in master server bp.conf  for SERVER and MEDIA_SERVER and the host name mentioned in CLIENT_NAME parameter on the media server bp.conf should match (This is VERY IMPORTANT)