Forum Discussion

Project_Man's avatar
14 years ago

Advanced disk pool options

I am building a new netbackup 6.5 environment on windows platform.

I have 1 master server (virtual machine)

I have 2 media servers (physical machines), each media server has 9x 1TB drives allocated.

I have exchange, NDMP, SQL, etc, data to backup.

My NDMP is very large approx 28-30million files approx 1.5TB and my exchange environment is approx 2TB

Now my question is should I just have one disk pool per server containing one Storage unit? i.e. Disk pool would be 9TB on each media server


should I have multiple pools for example 3x 3TB pools with one Storage unit?

What is the best way to get performance from this netbackup environment with the simpliest administration?

Is there a best practice guide for setting this up? Some kind of formula or guidance available?

  • Ok so given that article, If I create 2 Storage units from 2 disk pools 1 on each media server.

    I then create a Storage unit group and add both Storage units.

    I would have the best of both worlds, given I can specify either media server on the policy or set the group on the policy and let netbackup load balance.


    So when I am creating the storage unit group do I choose "prioritised" or "load balance" option and what is the difference?

9 Replies

  • OK, my reading of this suggests 1 disk pool, 1 Storage Unit per Media server.

    Anyone else have any thoughts?

  • Go for one big pool on each media server. Spliting the LUN in smaller pool's creates space congestion which led to management overhead and fialed backup's.

  • yes - One pool per media server.

    But why split between media servers ?. I would  put those two pool's  in a storage unit group and point policy's  to that storage unit group.

    I bet Netbackup is much better to load balance than I am cheeky

  • So does netbackup load balance based on disk capacity or processor load or is it intelligent enough to combine the 2?

  • Extract from Admin Guide Page # 263

    Netbackup Admin Guide for Windows

    (Netbackup Admin Guide is attached above in my post)


    Load balance

    The Load balance option allows NetBackup to select storage units based on a capacity-managed approach. NetBackup avoids sending jobs to busy media servers.

    The selection is based on the following factors:

    1 The rank of the media server. NetBackup considers the number of processes that are running on each CPU along with the memory thresholds on each server to determine the rank of a media server. If the free memory drops below a determined threshold, or if the number of running processes per CPU rises above a determined threshold, then the overall rank of the media server drops.

    2 The number of jobs on the media server. NetBackup considers the number of scheduled jobs on each media server.

    3 Whether the media server has enough disk space to accommodate the estimated size of the image NetBackup estimates the size of any new or current jobs on each media server and determines whether the jobs will fit on a given volume. NetBackup estimates the amount of space that the job may require, based on previous backup history. If no history is available, the high water mark for the storage unit serves as a guide.

    (When is the Load balance option available?

    Load balance cannot be selected for a storage unit group that includes a BasicDisk storage unit. Also, a BasicDisk storage unit cannot be included in an existing storage unit group with Load balance enabled. )


    Other methods to distribute the backup workload

    The Load balance option is based on the media server load and requires a license. The following list are methods to distribute the backup workload based on settings that do not require additional licenses:

    To adjust the backup load on a media server:

    Change the Limit jobs per policy policy attribute for one or more of the policies that are sent to a media server. To decrease Limit jobs per policy reduces the workload on a media server on a specific network segment.

    Reconfigure policies or schedules to use storage units on other media servers. See "Limit jobs per policy" on page 103.

    Consider changing the Bandwidth host properties on one or more clients.

    To distribute the backup load on media servers during peak periods: Reconfigure policy schedules so that they write to storage units on the media servers that can handle the load. (This assumes that master servers and media servers are on separate hosts.)

    To adjust the backup load on client Change the Maximum jobs per client global attribute. For example, to increase Maximum jobs per client increases the number of concurrent jobs that any one client can process and therefore increases the load. For more information, see "Maximum jobs per client" on page 432.

    To reduce the time to back up clients Increase the number of jobs that clients can perform concurrently, or use multiplexing. Another possibility is to increase the number of jobs that the media server can perform concurrently for the policies that back up the clients.

    To give preference to a policy Increase the Limit jobs per policy attribute for the preferred policy relative to other policies. Or, increase the priority for the policy. For more information, see "Limit jobs per policy" on page 103.

    To adjust the load between fast and slow networks Increase the Limit jobs per policy and Maximum jobs per client for policies and clients in a faster network. Decrease these numbers for slower networks. Another solution is to use NetBackup’s bandwidth limiting. For more information, see "Limit jobs per policy" on page 103 and "Maximum jobs per client" on page 432.

    To maximize the use of devices Use multiplexing. Allow as many concurrent jobs per storage unit, policy, and client as possible without causing server, client, or network performance problems.

    To prevent backups from monopolizing tape devices

    Place some drives in a down state or limit the number that are used concurrently in a specific storage unit. For example, if there are four drives in a robot, allow only two to be used concurrently.






  • Ok so given that article, If I create 2 Storage units from 2 disk pools 1 on each media server.

    I then create a Storage unit group and add both Storage units.

    I would have the best of both worlds, given I can specify either media server on the policy or set the group on the policy and let netbackup load balance.


    So when I am creating the storage unit group do I choose "prioritised" or "load balance" option and what is the difference?

  • Extract from NetBackup_AdminGuideI_WinServer

    For more information about load balancing see page 411

     I attached Admin Guide for your reference.


    Page # 410

    Prioritized storage unit selection

    The Prioritized option indicates that NetBackup choose the next available storage

    unit in the list. (Default.)

    If a storage unit is unavailable, NetBackup examines the next storage unit until

    it finds one that is available.


    Page # 411

    Media server load balancing storage unit selection

    The Mediaserverloadbalancing option indicates that NetBackup select a storage

    unit based on a capacity-managed approach. In this way, NetBackup avoids sending

    jobs to busy media servers.